What is that Dark Tranquility song that send chills down your back?

The beginning acoustic guitar and female vocal part to Insanity's Crescendo for me.
I think I would have to say Lethe, after knowing the song so well and just sitting in the dark and listening to it, it still is able to give me the chills.

Although I would have to say that Haven give me quite the same result as well
for me it, it was punish my heaven, ....of melancholy burning, emptiness from which i fed. in these songs i felt, stanne's vocals started of like a mild growl and that ended up finally ripping the spine. there is so much emotion in the vocal part that you can feel the agony from inside.
"What is that Dark Tranquility song that send chills down your back?" It's Tranquillity with two "L's" goddamit!

Strangely enough, for me it's "Day to End", no other DT song has that effect on me. The "As I hold you..." part always gets me. Hedon comes a close second, I find it by far more powerful than Lethe (although I used to get alot out of that too).

ROY JONES Jr: Goddamn that's an ugly avatar :P
The ending of A Bolt of Blazing Gold is so utterly beautiful that I feel chills all over my body every time I hear it. Some parts of Lethe and Haven have a similar effect, but not as strong as in Bolt.

Also, the ending of Hedon is very special for me.

The ending of A Bolt of Blazing Gold is so utterly beautiful that I feel chills all over my body every time I hear it.

You're not the only one at that... Esp. the part where the lyrics in my signature are from, is one of the more beautiful parts of music i have ever heard... (maybe that was actually the reason why i chose to use that part as my sig ;) )
hmm, definitly Crimson Winds when Anders come back from that fast verse and screams "My sweet Norderlaaaaaaaaaand!!" and that sweet riff starts up. Beautiful.

Also I think another one would be a part of Projector song, which I completely have forgotten cause its 645 am and im way to tired to go find. It might be at the end of Auctioned (my favorite Projector song), where he sais "Where did I sign, did I miss the auction where my life went under the club". That might possibly be it but im not gonna go pop the cd in cause im too tired.

For overall songs, its gotta be The Same, Haven, Auctioned, Lethe, Crimson Winds, way to numerous. But those are the two direct parts that just give me chills.
"Away, Delight, Away" - whe Stanne sings "I join with the riders on the horizon"

"Punish My Heaven" - all of it

"There Was Silence, And The Firmanent Withdrew" - when Stanne sings that very line

"Of Melancholy Burning" - when Stanne sings "always be cherished, the grandeur of melancholy"

"Zodijackyl Light" - when Stanne sings "and they ride, they ride, the drama takes the lead.."

"Tongues" - "on account of their brightness..."

"FreeCard" - "now will lead them all astray"

"On Your Time" - "so unease carried words..."
Originally posted by Final_Vision
It might be at the end of Auctioned (my favorite Projector song), where he sais "Where did I sign, did I miss the auction where my life went under the club".

jep, thats auctioned, and that would be my pick as well.
Of Melancholy Burning :
When the female sings "oh burning, oh burning..." and Stanne comes in and screams "whoaaaaaarggh" gives me chills.