What is that Dark Tranquility song that send chills down your back?

Hedon and Edenspring give me that feeling. To be more precise, Hedon's initial guitar notes and Edenspring's start.
Not to mention the more melodic moments of Punish my Heaven, Feast of Burden, and the virtuoso guitar of The Wonders at your Feet.

Did I use a correct terminology?
Almost all songs on The Mind's I,especially Hedon,Tongues and Atom heart
also Alone (not the '94 version though)
Away,Delight,Away (in the "I bid farewell to this god forsaken land..." part)
and a great deal of songs from the gallery
and the whole Auctioned song (I am listening to it all the time lately :o )
It used to be Lethe , like millions of people around here, or Shadow duet ... and finally later, after Projector's release, Nether Novas.

I shared the same feelings the songs talk about, in those days. Sometimes I still feel them.. I love its beginning...
This will be quite redundant: Hedon, ThereIn, Tongues, Atom Heart 243.5, At Loss For Words, Auctioned, Punish My Heaven.........
Ok, it would be much easier to ask for this:
What is that Dark Tranquility song that NOT send chills down your back?

but as it has been the other way, I'll take insanity's crescendo, day to end (oooh that waiting for the day to end :) ) and the dividin line chorus!
Originally posted by phyre
"To reap the field of ignorance and lies / Trails of omission swept away / Never to be seen again" in Crimson Winds.

I love that part, great selection phyre. As it begins to get up tempo from that re-entry of that great riff that starts the song. Great part.

Hmm, I reallly wanna listen to Projector right now......I think ill do that here in a sec..........:grin:
Originally posted by astarte
It's really hard to choose... most of them are in Projector so um.. the whole bloody album :D

Strange to say, although it's still a good album, I find that Projector is the worse by DT... it's ages that i don't listen to it. Maybe it's just the 'clean' voice of Stanne that reminds me of Depeche Mode... or the overall too slow rhythm... dunno.
Oh, well, tastes. Impossible to argue about them :p.
Projector is an easy album to listen to for me, I just love clean vocals. It adds a true beauty to the music, kinda gotta have an open mind when it comes to that kind of stuff. I really dig Stannes clean vox, I think the cd is just easy to pop in and drift away, not for when im in thrash kill all mood, than ill put in Amon Amarth, At the Gates, The Forsaken, or SLIPKNOT (only kidding :grin: )

@soulscar YES YOUR THE WIMPIEST BASTARD IVE EVER SEEN!! Emptier Still? what kind of super prick bitch are you? :grin: JK my friend, I love that song. The way Stanne sings it just has so much emotion behind it.......
Originally posted by Hearse

I also love that Stannes Half-Growls. He got million ways to sing, and I haven't yet heard other singer that has so much emotion in his/her voice. Åkerfeldt is right next to Stanne though. Actually they can't be compared to each other, cause their style is so different, but I love both of their voice.:cool:

Agree fully with that.

Btw, how does the singer of Thales sound? When can we listen to him?

-Villain (still a fanatic Thales fan)
seems that way eh? hehe. Dont get me wrong, I love Projector, I just think most death metal heads have to have an open mind for the clean vox because I know quite a few people who seriously disliked the Projector era DT because of it. I think their amazing (erm the clean vocals....)

Hmm, me likes Thales too! Pellucid Lake :rock:
I would have to say Hedon. It is by far my favorite song by Dark Tranquillity, and the spoken part at the end always unnerves me. On the other points, I think that Projector and Haven are much different from their predecesors, but they are no less important musically.
good thread indeed!

To me the most chilliy songs are definitely Day to end, when Mikael sings: as i hold you and i try to make sure..., this part is very emotional.

furthermore through ebony archways has also some very chilly parts and the acoustic intro on lethe is great indeed.

And one part in which he screams unlike every other growler is in edespring when it goes: ...drift through my eyes..., in this part his lungs surely have to suffer...
I think it's "Through ebony archways". Not because of the lyrics, but for the feeling that surrounds the song.
it's still pop :P
anyway i'm kidding.. ok i think it's the worst DT song (Archetype not included).. but that doesn't make it bad.. i kinda like it sometimes myself.. just not so often :)