What is the best CD of all time?

Dude you gotta keep in mind something. Eternity X was my favorite band of all time long before I began working with them. So of course they are going to by in my top on most things music releated. But I'm not sucking up. None of the band members are viewing this. So no point it sucking up. Two my brother is the current bass player and I sure the heck am not going to suck up to him lol.
Sorry if it bugs ya man. I really mean no harm. I'm just sharing my view like anyone else.

Also if you want my favorite non ETX album than It's Savatage -Streets

yea,well I am a big Symphony X fan.also a big Angra fan,and Brainstorm,Gamma Ray so on and so forth...It seems like all you are doing is trying to get them more fans posting things like this,but I mean come on.I know you have to be big fans of other bands too! one cd by one band has to get old after a while.
Hey man,
I'm sorry if you disagree with me on this. but it is how I feel. Like I said I mean no harm and mean what I say. Also I have posted on threads in regards to other bands. Such as Shining Star, Outworld. Symphony X and Savatage.
But I don't wanna sound like a jerk but can we try and get back to the topic of this thread. I didn't start this for the debate on why I like what I like. I just really would like to get idea's of other Cd's to check out.

yea,well I am a big Symphony X fan.also a big Angra fan,and Brainstorm,Gamma Ray so on and so forth...It seems like all you are doing is trying to get them more fans posting things like this,but I mean come on.I know you have to be big fans of other bands too! one cd by one band has to get old after a while.
that's a tough question to answer, seeing as best and favorite seem to get mixed up. Either way I'd have to say Helloween-keepers pt.2, just barely in front of a few Megadeth albums.
Hmmm... never even heard of them. Care to elaborate?


They are (perhaps I should say were) a progressive melodic death band from Germany. I suppose the closest comparison I could make would be to Opeth, but the overall mood of the disc is significantly different. I don't know that my description of the album will really do it any justice, but they had the same penchant for writing long/epic songs with clean and harsh vocal alternations as per Opeth, but in a slightly different fashion.

However, for their second effort, rather than use the momentum they built with their debut they decided to change styles entirely. Instead of doing something similar in sound to their first full-length release (and previous EPs/singles) they decided to embrace a techno/gothic/avant-garde influenced sound and the result really wasn't anything worth writing home about.

Not only that they decided to filter their already talented lead singer's vocals and feature quite a few spoken (and even some rapped) vocal lines. Also, on some of the tracks it sounds like they coated the drum kit in mud before recording anything. I haven't seen many favorable responses for the album yet, but that's unsurprising given that not only did they change styles entirely, but they don't seem to have pulled it off terribly well.

http://myspace.com/timesofsplendor (Don't Go Any Further, Gloria and The Black Sea are off of the second disc, Alone I Stand In Fires is off of the first).
Disillusion at ProgArchives

'Alone I Stand In Fires' live (with an extended line-up)