What is the deal with Sweden?


May 7, 2008
Vancouver, Canada
Any Swedes out there with a theory as to why their country is leading the way in terms of quality music...?

I'm just constantly amazed at how many great bands keep launching out of there. Dang, my newest fave is In Mourning, and of course I check the label and - yep - they're from some place called Falun, Sweden.

Just doing a quick IPOD search, and look what I find:
- Katatonia
- Anekdoten
- Shining
- In Mourning
- Opeth
- Meshuggah

Contrast that with Vancouver, Canada, where I come from.
Big city.
Lotsa cool music venues.
Yet, virtually no local talent crushing the world.
Yeah, we have Black Mountain. Devin Townsend. And, that's it.

What is the deal with Sweden? :worship:
Sweden is just so angry and pissed and the only way to channel that rage, hate, pedophilia, ect. is to make great music.

Any Swedes out there with a theory as to why their country is leading the way in terms of quality music...?

I'm just constantly amazed at how many great bands keep launching out of there. Dang, my newest fave is In Mourning, and of course I check the label and - yep - they're from some place called Falun, Sweden.

Just doing a quick IPOD search, and look what I find:
- Katatonia
- Anekdoten
- Shining
- In Mourning
- Opeth
- Meshuggah

Contrast that with Vancouver, Canada, where I come from.
Big city.
Lotsa cool music venues.
Yet, virtually no local talent crushing the world.
Yeah, we have Black Mountain. Devin Townsend. And, that's it.

What is the deal with Sweden? :worship:

voivod...do they count....also kindda poppy...but Our lady peace is alright.....and RUSH is awesome too....dont be modest....its aboooout time canadians took credit eh..?....hahaha......PEAC EOUT
Same for me, I live in Canada and I am a bit disappointed of the local scene. It happened many times in the past that I been hooked on a metal band and checking out the label : Finland or Sweden.

Im impressed by the talent out there...I hope it's not going to die soon.
There's a few good non-metal bands from Canada I think.

But I think part of the reason for there being lots of good Swedish bands is that they're generally more encouraging towards young artists. I don't really know what I'm talking about but I have heard that they have lots of good opportunities for funding and education for musicians, and don't generally look down upon it as a profession as much as we do in other countries.
Mikey read it...and hes coming there personally with the gang to rape and pillage ure town.....!!!!......lock up ure wives and daughters....!!!!....PEAC EOUT

Eh, I can handle that.

Hopefully I can get him to sign an autograph before he massacres everything I know and love...
love this thread,
in fact, there's no secret, it's a mix of influences, intelligence, melancholy, *maybe* loneliness

well...I dont feel I answered the question at all...It's in their water :)
British people also have their legacy in pop/rock music.

Scandinavians established new rules in metal and prog-metal I guess