what is the meaning of the song auctioned

Sad to see no one even ventures a little anymore. I will a bit
This is obiously not a very happy song and the chorus about his life being auctioned kinda seems to say when did i come to this when did i loose all my life, and became this...But thats actually the only part of the song that seems more or less clear but then again it might be not at all like that.
I specially like the second part of the song "life became too solid diluted by the escence of denial caught in fire's eye oh the self and the filter that is I". Now the first couple of time i thought that was just incoherence indeed but if you look closer it actually makes some sense....
acidentally clicked ctrl+s in the middle
anyway, A life too solid gives me an image of a boring patetic repetitive life ( wich would actually make you wonder when did you downfall to this as stated in the chorus ) Diluted by the escence of denial caught in fire's eye, thats a little more hard to see but the way i feel is its like in the center of all this happening you pretended your life wasnt that bad by living on denial and hanging on to false dreams and hopes of improvement somehow, all the self and the filter that is I, that just says that at the end you alone come to a realization that you run out of denial to hold on to leaving you with a big whole in your sould where a life once lived.

Thats the part of the song that intriges me the most cause the first verse somehow states a suicidal frame of mind and just in the end looks back at the reasons why. And on the second half of the second verse " my lip was venom words from in my mouth and hid beneath my thong never to be seen" gives me the feeling of something crucial you keep to yourself but im still trying to figure out what could that be.

But well of all that you can say that is a bit suicidal imho but more than that a desperate search for the reasons why you are trapped in this state and why " the portal pounding lingers" why does it seems like an exit its more far away with each second, each moment you live this endless torture people call life.

Thats what i can make out of the song but i would certainly like to see other peoples opinion
......is, and I swear to God and Allah and Buddah and the rest of those guys that I'm not making this up, that the opening piano(or keyboard or whatever) part is VERY similar to an 80s tv sitcom theme that I can't quite put my finger on. No really, I'm NOT making this up. No shit. I noticed it the very first time I heard the song. I remember I was thinking "Cheers" maybe? But no it's something else. I just can't remember. NOT making this up. I'm positive it's unintentional and only a coincidence and all but anyway maybe some day I'll figure it out. I like the song though, it's too bad I'm distracted by that opening every single time I listen to it though.
Well, I readily concede that I have not spent nearly as much of my life watching "Cheers" as you apparently have. You seem to hear it "every" day while I myself can probably claim about 3-4 listens or less, but I did say it *wasn't* from Cheers in case you missed that part, genius. It might not even be a sitcom theme where I've noticed a similarity. I said I can't remember. It's also very likely it could be the theme from a drama that I'm thinking of. But anyway, is it really worth getting upset over? What is your problem? Do you need a hug or something, pumpkin? Well, I won't hug your angry ass(maybe someone else in here will?), but I suggest a valium. Or three. Or maybe some ritalin is more appropriate in your case. Junior.
i already have someone to hug my fatass...maybe i dont know
and if someone trash my second favorite dt song i tend to diminish such people. So yea whatever they stole the riff
Whoa, that was rather unnecessary from you Misanthrope, don't you think? AmIevil only told his honest opinion in a polite manner and there should be no reason to get angry at that. But well, you misguided souls of Tzimisce are known for your monstrous behaviour. We of the Clan Lasombra, on the other hand... ;)

-Villain (always a roleplayer at heart)
How exactly does my saying that it's positively "unintentional" and a "coincidence" and that "I like the song though" get turned into, according to you, "trashing" the song and claiming "they stole the riff"? Should I have instead said....I MASTURBATE FURIOUSLY EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO AUCTIONED AND I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW WHILE TYPING THIS WITH ONE HAND!!!!!!!! Would that have made you happy since apparently saying that I like the song is not enough to avoid suffering your wrath? I have been listening to metal for over 20 years and I have heard lots of strange things and similarities during that time all across the board, this was just one of the more unnerving ones. You for instance mentioned the "circus song". Go listen to an 80s Toxik album....therein you will find your circus song. And I'd like to go ahead and apologize in advance to all 5 of Toxik's fans,wherever they might be in the world and just in case any of them might be reading this...I'd like to apologize for comparing Toxik to circus music....even though it's true. Sorry.
well, you got a point.
there's no need in pissing each other off because of this.
now listen to that song and masturbate as long as you can. the one who produces most... well, is the winner.

calm down
O but There is because there is always a moron who has been listening metal for 20 years and we all should bow to him:D
Beign hated and unleashing agry comebacks means my work its beign done. because i fucking hate you all.
and i like pushing things until someone bans my ass out of the forum or get other people to respond and think like this was actually serious and not a bunch of 1s and 0s with no true meaning.

Torture has its merits :hotjump:

You think I don't recognize YOU as the guy who throws a hissy fit and wets his pants everytime someone starts a "When's the American tour?" thread? C'mon, if you just wanted to troll you'd probably spend your time on usenet with the rest of the scary talented self-proclaimed master manipulators. Hates a strong word though. You definitely need a hug or something.
And btw, I mentioned how long I've been listening to metal not because I'm the all-knowing, all-powerfull, omnipotent metal god who sits around all day dissecting guitar riffs and psychoanalyzing lyrics. Maybe you do that, but I can't and I don't. I can't even play the air guitar worth a shit. Maybe you do it, every man needs a hobby. I just listen to the songs and I only said it to illustrate that this is not the first time I've heard strange similarities between utterly unrelated sources. So although I'm sure that being on your knees is not an entirely foreign and uncommon position for you to be in.....please rise, no need to bow down to me.
no fucking comment. just a lot of thoughts going on.

PS: okay, there IS a comment: hey misanthrope, why do you want to be hated by everyone? you got too many friends or something? i just can't see the point in pissing right into everyones' faces all day... grow up
This is one of the funniest post i have ever seen...

i can only say... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

im with IAMEVIL though... mysanthrope, i normally would say your a poser or, a lot of things.. but hey well you play Vampire, and(im not stereotypeing(spelling) ) most of the Role players are just like you, so please Shut up...

ahh ok back to the original discuss, i dont think at all that the cheers opening theme seems like it, but Since IAM EVIL doesnt even say that at all, i think that we all need to listen to the sitcom opening that he has in mind until that lets just Fuck like mad.. ok??

I mean the song is greatm but i say its rather depressive, so i will not and i recomend that you either masturbate with it, hahahahaha..

Good bye

Vampire the Masquerade, the most boring Game i have ever Played..
Originally posted by amIevil
I MASTURBATE FURIOUSLY EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO AUCTIONED AND I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW WHILE TYPING THIS WITH ONE HAND!!!!!!!! Would that have made you happy since apparently saying that I like the song is not enough to avoid suffering your wrath?

don't you think you're kind of playing along, though? i mean, suffering his wrath... he made some sarcastic remarks, ok. he's probably not an extremely talented humourist, ok. he brutally annihilated every chance of a peaceful conversation on the subject, ok. but he wasn't being offensive until you suggested he needed some private body parts hugged in delight. we can't ask people to use the same tone and show the same attitude we like. if you just say what you mean the way you want to say it, he'll likely reply in kind (which he does most of the times, to be honest) or get tired of provoking. truth to tell, his first post wouldn't make it to the top ten of meaningful replies i've read in my life, but hey, everyone's entitled to have had a bad day. :)

on a side note, the part about having fun in a very egocentric way while listening to auctioned, is definitely not going to make anyone happy on this board. :p

Originally posted by Exiled

Vampire the Masquerade, the most boring Game i have ever Played..

Then I'd say either you or your playing partners are boring. For when I play any RPG with my friends, we'll never get bored. But perhaps we are just so much less boring persons as you and your friends. :p

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Beign hated and unleashing agry comebacks means my work its beign done. because i fucking hate you all.
and i like pushing things until someone bans my ass out of the forum or get other people to respond and think like this was actually serious and not a bunch of 1s and 0s with no true meaning.


deary deary me. without you inadvertently giving yourself away with this message, i would have surely thought that all this forum stuff was as close to real life as a pathetic loser like me would ever get, and that everyone on the board was actually thinking the same, enjoying the genuine pleasure of conversation with a few trusted pen-pals.
but you, now, you are a mean and cruel individual bent on raising hell everywhere you go, upsetting people to spread the unholy seeds of misfortune as widely and evenly as you can. i am astonished to see how you cleverly mock our close-minded naivety, and as your wicked plan unfolds before my eyes i'm driven to the thought that everything i ever knew is wrong: this board does not exist, reason does not exist, and i most certainly do not exist.
i thank you for having shook my world with unprecedented strength. :loco:

Anytime :D

And yea this is not as fun indeed....then again i should look into different shorts of forum for that ill give you that
Either way i like angry people in or ooc , and the fact that you people cant just ignore such obious comments directed to piss people off makes me think i still have the touch, but i must say i like even more sarcastic minds even when i clearly wasnt directing my own amusement to them :loco:
i apolagize for starting all these argument up. ok ok i'll shut up, don't yell at me.

ps. rahvin :)