what is the meaning of the song auctioned

:err: Ahh my heart is so damaged, villain have said im boring, what am i going to do, i dunno maybe, get out of my house and buy all the Vampire books in existence on my local comics shop, and masturbate with them...( ok i stole that argument from AMIEVIL, but its just too funny, sorry men) ....

Well ok maybe i hadnt had the luck you had to play with those wonderful friends you have, please let me play with you im dying to sit for more than 5 hours doing nothing than pretend im a fucking vampire who fights needing weapons and throwing spells like it was Dungeons & Dragons...

Well ok im not, and i dunno why im replying , ok i want more fun so please reply, i want to laugh more.

Dark Tranquillity Rules though..

so as funny as this would sound...CHEERS!!;)
Dark Tranquillity Rules though..

ok, at last - one intelligent phrase on this thread. Folks, stop that, I don't think that other people like you all bitching about one another. why not to continue by e-mail? :) hate yourselves and others but don't scream that here

ps. Exiled, are you from Russia? I recognize that idiotic USSR symbolics on your avatar picture...
:) In case that any of you dont get it, we are all Joking, and this is fun.. :loco:

P.D.- What i said about Vampire the Masquerade is true though it just bores me.. but that belongs to another forum so, since this thread is answered, well i say NO MORE TALK HEHE:heh:

Bye see ya soon..
Originally posted by Skald

ps. Exiled, are you from Russia? I recognize that idiotic USSR symbolics on your avatar picture...

Not really sorry Skald, i love Russia, and i love that symbol and what it represents, im not into comunism though its a very utopic way of see things, as i see it was never even taken the way it suposed too..

I will change my avatar ok?? but i would like to chat with russian people so if you like it contact me by icq my number is on my profile seeya...

Dark Trtanquillity Rules.. :) :)
Originally posted by Exiled

Well ok maybe i hadnt had the luck you had to play with those wonderful friends you have, please let me play with you im dying to sit for more than 5 hours doing nothing than pretend im a fucking vampire who fights needing weapons and throwing spells like it was Dungeons & Dragons...

Well, here we see the difference between us two: I do NOT PRETEND being a vampire, but ROLEPLAY a vampire - there's a huge difference between those things. And when I roleplay a vampire, I focus my thoughts on his/her viewpoints, personality, imperfections, the differences of mortality and immortality, the eternal moral dilemma of "kill or be killed" and the main question: is being a vampire more a blessing or a curse? And why?

Of course, our gamemaster also tells us beautiful, carefully crafted stories of guile and deception, where our characters interact with dozens of interesting individuals, whose actions are driven by their personal emotions. And every player-character in our group is truly a person, who reacts in his/her own way to the occurring events and who has different values and goals.

In short, our gaming sessions consist of rich dialogue, exciting events and emotional outbursts (in character), which often last for more than ten hours. And everyone of us enjoys it a lot.

If YOU do not like it, it is okay. But if you call it boring, the problem is in you, for every roleplaying game is just as boring as the people who play it. You can call the rules-system of V:tM flawed or the World of Darkness childish or ridiculous - and I agree with you to a certain extent. BUT, if you call ANY roleplaying game BORING, it really tells much more of you as a player than of the game itself.

Perhaps you should just wait a few more years and then try it again. No offense intended, but with such a prejudiced and immature attitude you now seem to have, you'd never make it into any of my groups.

-Villain (with RPG-experience for more than a decade)
Originally posted by Villain

Perhaps you should just wait a few more years and then try it again. No offense intended, but with such a prejudiced and immature attitude you now seem to have, you'd never make it into any of my groups.

-Villain (with RPG-experience for more than a decade)

holy garlic!
i think roleplaying is cool, too, but it looks like you're a little touchy on that subject... it is true that his/her finding roleplaying boring tells a lot about him/her, but your finding it absolutely brilliant does the same for you, don't you think? i wouldn't assume he/she's a better/worse individual (or immature, or prejudiced) just because he/she does not happen to share your interests. i suppose it's perfectly decent to actually experience roleplaying with enthusiastic fellow players and still think it's a total waste of time. is this unimaginative? is this narrow-mindedness? i don't think so.
as for the fact that he/she said 'they're boring' instead of 'i really can't get the hang of it, sorry, my own humble impression' is, well, not that essential in everyday conversation. that's why i say you're being slightly touchy.

rahvin. (a guy who likes a wooden stake through his heart, once in a while :) )
there's a whole fucking lot of negative vibrations in here, man... i propose we should all meet in a funky place and sing some songs of peace and harmony alltogether in order to rebias the bad energies in our collective soul bahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!:lol: :loco:
still, some ( just read it all.) in here defintitely don't get enough hugging (me included) and the point was that I lost the very same point (in some parallel dimensions i never had one and just pretended to do so, but don't worry!) hehehe:grin:
np: depeche mode - one caress (hehehe)
Touchy? Well, perhaps a little. But he DID ask for a reply and I gave it. And there was a smiley after my first post in this subject.

However, I was not saying that he SHOULD have shared my interests - I just found comments like "to sit for more than 5 hours doing nothing than pretend im a fucking vampire who fights needing weapons and throwing spells like it was Dungeons & Dragons" VERY immature, even though there was possibly some humour included. And prejudiced it was indeed, for this was his assumption of our gaming session.

It is just that RPG's get criticised the most by people who have very little actual experience playing them (=less than, say, total of 500 hours of playing) and thus have very little idea of what the game COULD be. It is a bit like I would criticise a game of soccer like "last weeks Liverpool-game was very boring, there was no blood or even nude females anywhere; sitting two fucking hours watching the game was my most boring experience ever". Or if some pop-music critic would rate a DT-album by saying "it was not catchy enough, I can't even remember the choruses and the songs themselves were very boring".

Anyway, I guess my point is finally made and I agree with Terria on the hug-department - I haven't had one for at least two weeks. I think I should go looking for one...

Originally posted by Villain

It is just that RPG's get criticised the most by people who have very little actual experience playing them (=less than, say, total of 500 hours of playing)


I dont think that way of thinking becomes you, not after what you said earlier, that way of thinking is in fact really inmature indeed...

Either way im not here (and you either) to tell who is or isnt immature..

Maybe i needed to say that ive been playing RPG´s since 1992
and i like them a lot, but that as same as the trading card games, and even the videogames (wich are my hobby for life) make funny things to some people, and they tend to be so obnoxious..

Well well villain i did asked for a reply, but as i said here we are only fucking around i didnt mean to ofend, but if that ofends you sorry.. as i said, i dont like Vampire, i like RPG games, i dont like it cause i dont personally like the game system, and i think that a vampire dont ever going to need a weapon, besides all the whitewolf games are the same and that tends to get bored dont you agree??

There are a lot of details, and maybe some stories or concepts that are cool though.. but playing is a lot diferent matter...

I know that my story teller is boring, but i did play a couple of times with great stories, and didnt get it, The thing is that i dont like Vampires being heroes, or villians, and im not saying that in all the storiues it has to be that way, but most of them are...

About the huging well, i get a lot daily so i guess im lucky (not bragging just informing:loco: )

so lets all just be happy and enjoy things as we like them ok??



Originally posted by Exiled

I dont think that way of thinking becomes you, not after what you said earlier, that way of thinking is in fact really inmature indeed...

Either way im not here (and you either) to tell who is or isnt immature..

Maybe i needed to say that ive been playing RPG´s since 1992
and i like them a lot, but that as same as the trading card games, and even the videogames (wich are my hobby for life) make funny things to some people, and they tend to be so obnoxious..

Well well villain i did asked for a reply, but as i said here we are only fucking around i didnt mean to ofend, but if that ofends you sorry.. as i said, i dont like Vampire, i like RPG games, i dont like it cause i dont personally like the game system, and i think that a vampire dont ever going to need a weapon, besides all the whitewolf games are the same and that tends to get bored dont you agree??

There are a lot of details, and maybe some stories or concepts that are cool though.. but playing is a lot diferent matter...

I know that my story teller is boring, but i did play a couple of times with great stories, and didnt get it, The thing is that i dont like Vampires being heroes, or villians, and im not saying that in all the storiues it has to be that way, but most of them are...

About the huging well, i get a lot daily so i guess im lucky (not bragging just informing:loco: )

so lets all just be happy and enjoy things as we like them ok??




There's no need for you to be sorry, for I wasn't offended. I just wanted to hear a "serious" statement from you, instead of half-humorous comments, where your actual opinion gets a bit blur to me. Now that you clearly told me your opinion - I must say I agree with you. Vampire: the Masquerade has a lot of flaws in its game-system and I find a lot of the White Wolf -products far too similar to each other. However, and here I'm repeating myself, any RPG is only what the players themselves make it to be.

For example, I have just started gamemastering Cyberpunk The original rules-book by R. Talsorian is very flawed, with loads of horribly bad and unthought-of rules. The world in itself is very outdated and unrealistic (NMT, anyone?). I threw it all to the garbage-can. Or actually, I kept about 10% of the rules and approximately 50% of the world. The rest I made up myself. And still it is Cyberpunk we are playing. We had our first session last weekend, playing about six hours - and we had lots of fun.

And again, I'm not to say you should do like I do. But if you have had some bad experience with ANY RPG doesn't mean that game in itself is boring or bad.

-Villain (who'd like to know, where he has lost his "Ichor" CD..)