what is up with that PINGING sound on St. Anger?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
OMG! It's fucking driving me insane! The album has left much to be desired, true, but holy fucking shit! Having poor production doesn't mean that your drums are supposed to sound like shit! It's so fucking annoying! They spent millions on an album to sound like shit...on purpose...just for the fuck of it. What's next? No music at all? Is that the new wave of production these days, just record a bunch of white noise? I can't believe that they did this. The album COULD have been DECENT at least, if only they would make the production better.
Yes, I know what you mean. Sounds like the reverb was cranked to about 1000 on his snare drum.
There is another sound, just beneath the pinging, you know the one I'm talking about? It's hard to describe, but it sounds undeniably like...


I think the time for Metallica and Bob Rock to part ways is long overdue. No, I'm not a 'Metallihater', the new cd is definitely growing on me, but I'm convinced that Rock is poisoning that band. He's like some evil metal witch doctor or something. He's done some good work in the past, but now it seems that Metallica is just a production guinea pig for him to perform perverse experiments on. They have the clout and the $$$ to get any fucking producer they want. It's time to cut ol' Bobby loose!
Lycanthrope said:
Yes, I know what you mean. Sounds like the reverb was cranked to about 1000 on his snare drum.
There is another sound, just beneath the pinging, you know the one I'm talking about? It's hard to describe, but it sounds undeniably like...


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! that my friend, was great. :cool:
I'm so sick of Metallica's "experimenting". If you want to experiment, fucking experiment on some fucking speed metal!

Kill em all sounded better than this album, Jesus. I agree completely; it sounds EXACTLY like he's beating on a 55 gallon drum...in fact that's what I thought when I first heard it.

Actually, it literally sounds like he's beating on an empty snare....the springs aren't pulled tight over the bottom and it has this hollow, pinging sound. It sounds like he's warming up on a 3 piece drum kit for a garage band when he was 13.
I have to take a knee here...

I still can't believe it...

They spent HOW MUCH to PURPOSELY make an album sound like shit?




No shit, this fucking album sounds like the No Life Till Leather demo, or worse.

Why hype something so much when it's a piece of shit? Are they PURPOSELY fucking with us? Do they sit back in their Malibu homes and contemplate, "Hmmm, I wonder how I can royally mind-fuck my fans into believing that this is going to be an album heavy as an anvil, but really I'm going to put out a bunch of demos James recorded in his first garage band, Obsession. They'll never know the difference, because we've totally fucked our fanbase away anyway."
I dont mind the sound its a change.. but it reminds me of a

Oh look, its his new drums.
Some of the Songs on ST.Anger sound like shit, but i like the album.
When the album Load came there was many fans that stopped listening to Metallica cuz their "new style", i just wonder where the real thrash style of Ride The Lightening and Master Of Puppets, and songs like Enter Sandman and Sad But True disappeared.