What is with celebrities pretending to be metal?

You know what, you should be a UN peacekeeper Blitzy. They should just send you into Iraq and have you sit down with each side and point out all the good things they could accomplish if they just worked together! :lol:
You will have them singing "Come on, people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now..." before you know it :lol: :)
gee did I hit a raw nerve there Spawn? They say the truth hurts.
You need to stop being so paranoid.
Soon as anyone ever makes a comment directed your way you jump on your high horse.
I couldn't care less if my husband agreed with my on a damn thing we are 2 seperate people with 2 seperate minds...I do not control him nor he control me.

You just need to GROW UP!
Segression were great that night, but in all honesty I could have gone up by myself and done an air guitar performance to Air Supply and been better than Pantera that night. That said, Segression were awesome. It's a shame they've decided to go the way they have because they were one motherfucking killer heavy metal band back in about 1996.
It's true.. Pantera were before that concert my favourite band of all time! After Phil's "performance", my enjoyment of them dwindled. Musically they sounded very tight (Vinnie's kit sounded monstrous!) but Phil just would not fucking shut up!
Phil was a disgrace in Melbourne in 2001. Missed the 1996 tour, but Pantera were awesome in 1994. Saw 'em twice in two nights!
One thing I remember best is when Phil refused to sing until everyone "in the pussy seats" got down the front and beat someone up. He got really verbal about it too, so much so that one kid (who would have been no older then 12 or 13 at the time) actually ran into the mosh.... I saw him come out about 2 minutes later sporting one hell of a broken nose