what is with new guitar sound?


New Metal Member
Mar 5, 2006
I am in sheer terror oer the release of this album. Evergrey is far and away the best metal band to ever exist. But what the hell is with this new guitar sound? It sounds like an american nu-metal band, infact it really sounds like nevermore. This is what made evergrey so great was thier sound! no one could touch it. The guitars were so low you couldent even replcate it, trust me I tried. And now this, it sounds like they are trying to hit top 40. Ahhhhhhh I am so frustrated, why does every band have to suck eventually? We already lost arch enemy this year, now evergrey? Take a page from in flames new cd go towards the old not the new, Thomas even had a part in that cd he should know this!! Please guys go reproduce it! I thought you were the untouchable band.......i guess not.
Guitar sound - You get used to it, it works for the album.
Arch Enemy - Well really Arch Enemy went down the crapper when Angela joined the band, even though Wages Of Sin is a fantastic album. Anthems and Dommsday Machine are both very flawed albums.
In Flames - The new album is crap, they havnt returned to form at all, sure they made things a little faster and made the guitar harmonies a little more present, but overall this album is a poor excuse to get big whilst still holding some credibilityin the underground metal scene. People may hate the stuff on RtR and STYE but at least it sounds honest, CC sounds forced and predictable, this is the first IF album that i havnt enjoyed listening to, Evergrey's new album blows CC out of the water.
Yeah, so first of all Nevermore is NOT a nu-metal band, second of all as far as I'm concerned they're as good as Evergrey. And if all you liked Evergrey for was their sound, then you've been missing out on a lot of music. Lastly, it's not that different.
No I dont think never more is nu-metal but depinding on the speed evergrey is now sounding like a mix of the both. The fact is the now hardly sound like a prog metal band, it sounds more like nevermore or some version of it. If Iron Maiden started playing in drop C people would go wooh......what the hell right? Im sorry they have went from really fast to slower, to slow. Now it was a good slow but im sorry this is unacceptable. They were the one band that I thought got it. Arch enemy, in flames, soilwork are just a few of the bands from that same area that over time began to become more americanized, either for money/fame or for other reason, and in turn began to suck. I dont want my favorite band to go down that road im sorry. You let this crap slide then in 3 years there making an evergrey version of 'stabbing the drama'.
you just gotta get used to it, you judt don't like it right now because its not the same evergrey sound you are used to. Once you get used to it you'll see how far it is from nu-metal, musically and lyrically.
I definitely hear the Nevermore influences, and more than once too. But this is not a sellout album at all, I think it is really good.

And Come Clarity is a pretty good album, I enjoy it a lot. I dont think its forced, I think its what they wanted to do. they wanted to incorporate heavier elements into their newer sound, and I think they did it. I just dont like the singing in some parts, a little over the top. He is a really bad singer with a cool voice. If only he used it in the right way.
I love the new guitar tone!!!
I believe that the new tone is either due to new Gear (Amp Heads),
Henrik's side project with Jonas,
or too much "In Flames" around the studio.:lol:

The lyrics and feel is still totally Tom.
Still In The Water- lyrics are KILLER!!!!

"...I just thought she was asleep..."

And I love the low Harmonized "AAAHHH".
This is going to be the longest month waiting for this new CD!!!!:headbang:
Now if they would just bring their show to Los Angeles....
XONE said:
I love the new guitar tone!!!
I believe that the new tone is either due to new Gear (Amp Heads),
Henrik's side project with Jonas,
or too much "In Flames" around the studio.:lol:

The lyrics and feel is still totally Tom.
Still In The Water- lyrics are KILLER!!!!

"...I just thought she was asleep..."

And I love the low Harmonized "AAAHHH".
This is going to be the longest month waiting for this new CD!!!!:headbang:
Now if they would just bring their show to Los Angeles....
What amps are they using now?
I don't think In Flames sold out, so much as went screamo. Seen the video for one of the songs (can't remember the title; nor do I want to)? Had a bunch of people trying to commit suicide.--Lemme elaborate a little more. Their sound sounds like some of the screamo bands some of my friends listen to. In fact, I showed them some "old" In Flames (Lunar Strain, Jester Race, and JST off of Whoracle), and he didn't like it much. Let him listen to a few Come Clarity songs...and he wanted to steal my mp3 player to listen to them. This is simply an example, but I think their sound is very screamo-esque. Also, Anders brought in that HORRID singing he started in Passenger (side-project).

(edited for elaboration)
Sounds like Nevermore? Maybe layering guitars with keyboards? Some riffs maybe? But Nevermore nu metal??? WTF you really have no idea do you
Empty Vision said:
Arch Enemy - Well really Arch Enemy went down the crapper when Angela joined the band, even though Wages Of Sin is a fantastic album.
I thought Wages was awful...I mean, it has some good parts I guess, but SO many parts of it are ripped off from other stuff...you can just skip the tracks and go "ripped off megadeth", "ripped off iron maiden"...I'm all for taking influence, but they went WAY past influence on that album, IMO...

I know what you mean about the guitar sound though...it is a drastic change, but its something I've gotten used to...the guitars on The Inner Circle took a while to soak in, but once they did, I like 'em...
bloodymurder said:
Sounds like Nevermore? Maybe layering guitars with keyboards? Some riffs maybe? But Nevermore nu metal??? WTF you really have no idea do you

Nevermore isn't nu metal overall, but they do use some riffs that bring nu metal to mind, much like some of the riffs used on newer Arch Enemy and on the new EG.
The assumption has to be made that something is wrong with that though? Looking at it as a genre as a whole, as indefinable as it is to even the nay-sayers that slag it so, nu-metal is not completely without musical or artistic merit. There is nothing wrong with borrowing some of its qualities if you are into it as a musician (or listening to it as a fan). One may as well make such comments on all the other influences that are considered non-'progressive' until we're left with no music at all. The follow-up to MMA will be 45 minutes of Tom pounding on Henrik's head with a stone. But then I can see that we'll just have the same old crew coming in and complaining that it has too much of a post-neanderthallian vibe for their liking.
Actually, they are using different amps now. They've almost always used 5150's, now they use the Mesa Triaxis.
batmura said:
The guitar tone of the new Evergrey is the worst guitar tone on any InsideOut release. Nuff said.
I wouldn't go to those lengths. I think the tone is fine. The lead tones though, and this is only judging by what I've heard on the song Monday Morning Apocalypse, aren't the silky smooth dead sexy ones they used to be, and this makes me a little sad. :cry:
The guitar tone sounds like they got in different producers to capture their sound and did it differently......oh wait.........