What is wrong with this?

Just my two cents brotha...at first I thought it was a lo-fi effect as an intro and then it was gonna break into something big. So, It doesnt sound horrible but it sounds like it's all mids. The vocals need some tuning and some backups would thicken it up. The vox get a little buried when the guitars really kick in too. Its all about taste, but the drums sound too synthetic for me. Unless youre going for that slow linkin park type of jam.
I thought it was my headphones (the input jack on my laptop is messed up), but no it's like everyone else says. It all sounds a bit synthetic but that sounds cool to me, if that's what you were going for it's cool, vox do need some tuning and maybe doubling them up or something. I like that piano melody a lot, sounds very catchy, would like to see a better sounding (finished version) of this.

Is this your band, or someone your recording?

edit: oh yeah and wrong section of course
depends what you're aiming for. If it is the gothic rock thing, then it might be okay as is, but if it is supposed to sound like metal, then it is too muffled in general, the kick sounds like basketball, guitars sound wimpy and are digital fizzy, bass is too quiet and the drums sound too much like 80s drummachines.
depends what you're aiming for. If it is the gothic rock thing, then it might be okay as is, but if it is supposed to sound like metal, then it is too muffled in general, the kick sounds like basketball, guitars sound wimpy and are digital fizzy, bass is too quiet and the drums sound too much like 80s drummachines.

he speaks the truth, in a funny and hurting way lol :kickass:
No what you have said is great you see im sort of on an experiment, to sort my ears out.

For too long I have been confused about mixing, I am a bit like that I go of into tangents and get confused, like my driving lessons, I know this is wrong section and I apologise for that.

The difference with that mix is I did NO processing at all to the sounds I just got a balance right.

Then I did this

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/880876/in this life punch.mp3

I wanted you to see my unprocessed balance and my result.

I maybe right of the mark here, mainly I sorted the drums out but at no time after balancing did I change and major volume levels (ie a few DB here for there). Instead i used eq to bring out the kick and snare, a bit on guitars and some compression on the drums to punch the sound.

I approached this very differently to how I have in the past few years.

I know I am new around here but I was hoping after hearing your works that it might be a good place to come and hide.

PS in case you wonder I am a bit of a Paradise Lost fan, cant wait to see them and Katatonia in Wolverhampton.
Music is pretty cool dude, I really dig the melancholy vibes around it, but listening to the second mix, definitely a lot of work that needs to be done - first off, the guitars have WAY too much mids, to the point of almost completely drowning out the attack of the notes. Also, that ride cymbal in the intro riff has got some serious "Casio keyboard drum patch" cheese going on, which no amount of eq/compression/whatever will help; what are you using for drums? (hopefully it's not a Casio keyboard :D). Kick is ridiculously tiny as well, and the snare isn't much better, though at least is audible (but just very dull). I like the warbly tuning on the piano, but it too feels thin; honestly, it kinda seems to me like you're using semi-cheap samples for the drums/piano, which means there's a limit to how much you can really do to help. Can't really hear any bass guitar either; vox are good, but a touch nasally (probably just your voice), and a little thin as well.

Ah, just got to the part with the bass solo'ed, and now I see why I couldn't hear it (sounds underwater)
The second mix is just the same but EQ and compression.

BFD is drums but it seems like all the drum VSTs on the market sound shit, ive tested this a couple of times, although many seem happy to use it most opinion is they are crap.

I wanted to know if my approach to treating them is plain wrong?

To me the drums in the first mix seems like a boombox but with EQ and compression you say they sound thin?

My experiment was to see if EQ and compression are a bit of a joke, I cannot get them to sound useful at all.

PS bass alsways sounds underwater ive tried many basses and many different configurations i never really get the bass.

So 1 nil for NO compression and EQ
Well the last thing I would say is that "eq and compression are a joke", but rather, they're both extremely powerful tools that nevertheless are designed to still affect only certain aspects of the sound (eq allows you to boost or cut certain frequencies, compression controls dynamics and can alter the envelope of a sound), and thus they can't fix everything (but of course it also depends on the knowledge and skill of the person using them). And, uh...how to put this delicately?...I've never heard a single good thing about BFD ever :lol: All drum VSTi's on the market most definitely are not shit, I've had Superior 2.0 for like 4 days and I already see such potential in it (but it definitely requires some tweaking; one thing that's bothered me in A LOT of S2.0 clips I've heard is a weird snappy unpleasantness to the snare, which I discovered comes largely from the room mic if it hasn't had any cutting/filtering). If you don't feel too confident in your tweaking skillz, however, I'd go for a Slate pack (3.5 EX is either out now or very very close to being out)
yeah dude it still sounds like theres alot of mids going on...the kick and the snare need some more eq adjustments to make them sit a little better they kinda drown out at points...and as marcus said eq and compression can be your best friends if you learn how far you can really go with it....i could be wrong on this but what about boosting a little in the high end freq's of your bass would that bring it up above sea level or am i way off here?
Thanks for your replies.

As you rightly point out if the drums dont work dump em. BFD probably has not helped. Thing is I payed for it and it was one of the first bits of software I bought (quite a while ago).

Perhaps its just not cut out for this sort of music.

I have put myslef into a position where I do not wish to spend any more on kit, however the drums maybe an exception. I have done this as I have bought this and that over the years and never really had much use for them, possibly due to my skill level being poor, who knows.

But I now see it as it I don't need a hammer dont buy one.

In this case I have the wrong drums for the job so I can justify.
My experience with EQ and compression always makes stuff sound poor, toppy and shite.

Thanks about my song, if only I could make it sound good production wise.

I have tried tried tried to get somewhere but never ever can i get close to half decent. It fucks me of cos I love writing music and I wanted to have a chance to put it altogether myself.

Ive ditched the mastering limiters and all that to concentrate on a decent mix not ive ditched the EQ and compression apparently the theory goes that it should sound great without all that crap so obviously these EQs and compressors are overrated.

I dont really know what to do next, forums have helped me understand stuff as have books and going to a local studio was cool they had like SSL desk and all and recording stuff it sounded cool, just ike mine does when im putting it together but the end result of my stuff always lacks any real kick to it.

I listen to the stuff you guys on here do and theres no way you learn his stuff at home.....
My experience with EQ and compression always makes stuff sound poor, toppy and shite.

Ive ditched the mastering limiters and all that to concentrate on a decent mix not ive ditched the EQ and compression apparently the theory goes that it should sound great without all that crap so obviously these EQs and compressors are overrated.

I dont really know what to do next,

Im not nearly half as good as the majority of the dudes on here but i have to throw my input on this one...."the theory goes that it should sound great without all that crap..." that theory meaning it should sound good going in and THEN you can make it sound better coming out when using the eq and compressors if need be,sometimes you dont always have to do it,sometimes you do...dont take the approach of "i can just fix it in the mix"...take the approach of "shit in,shit out"...if your tones sound pretty sweet going in, and u learn your eq's comps, other plugs, etc...then there gonna sound twice as sweet coming out...if you record a muddy fizzy feedback everywhere and overall shitty tone going in...then no matter what you do to it its not gonna be a pretty picture on the way out...if your not hearing any difference in your eq or you feel your making it worse then you wanna move on to the next questions...

1 are you taking the time out to mic your gear up the way you want it to sound,are you messing with the knobs on your amps,preamps,pedals etc to help get the tone you are trying to achieve,

2 are you using actual monitors or just a cheap pair of computer speakers....both can work depending on your budget,goals for overall sound,etc, but sometimes you might have to listen a little bit harder in certain speakers to hear the difference and to be able to tell if its helpful or destructive eqing,

3 are the monitors placed properly..(im aware mine arent for anyone who saw my setup in the post your setup thread lol but i do still keep the factors in mind,i just dont always apply them :erk:),

4 do i know what im doing? if your still new to it then chances are your gonna make mistakes,guys that do this for years and years still find themselves sayin "ahh shit" from time to time...take the time to do the research and learn what each thing does to each sound,

5 is this the right type of industry for me, if your not willing to take the time out to do the tons and tons of research that is to be done with engineering then you might just wanna stick to playing the music and having someone else handle the production end of it.

If you look all over this forum there is a shitload of helpful guidelines and stuff for almost every aspect of engineering..from which DAW would suit you best...all the way down to which types of guitar strings you wanna use...read the stickys at the top they are filled with tons of help and check this one...when your looking around try not to search for topics as a whole Ex. "how to mix metal music" but try and break it down...figure out what the given problem is and then search for that Ex. "my guitars are sounding real blurry" or "my drums dissapear in the mix" or "my vocals are sounding really distorted" then take it from there and search each problem as it occurs..

keep in mind that its not always the gear,it can also be the user, some of the guys on here get kickass sounding productions with cheap or free equipment so just do your research man,google that shit,youtube that shit,whatever you have to do to help you out theres information everywhere all you gotta do is search for it...if i came off like a dick then my apologies but i feel someone had to say it