What is wrong with this?

My experience with EQ and compression always makes stuff sound poor, toppy and shite.

"Even if you have the tools, it doesn't nessecarily mean you know how to use them" -anonymous

Not trying to be an asshole but it doesn't sound like you really understand what EQ and compression can do for you, which is evidenced by the poor production quality in your clips. Don't blame the tools until you know how to use them and can explain exactly why they don't work.

What would really be interesting is for you to upload the raw tracks of everything and let someone have at it, even just a 30 second section would do. Then you can hear what other people can do with YOUR tracks using EQ and compression, etc. Then they could explain how they are using it via screen shots or something. Would be really a great way to learn.
No, you are putting words in my mouth. That is not what I said at all. Part of your problem is you are adhering to RULES. With mixing, recording, mastering, etc. there are no rules. Whatever it takes to get the job done is pretty much the only "rule." You are taking things way too literal and it's only going to hinder your progress.

Upload the tracks from a 30 second section of the song and we can show you what we are talking about. People WILL participate, we all enjoy little bits to work on for fun.
No, you are putting words in my mouth. That is not what I said at all. Part of your problem is you are adhering to RULES. With mixing, recording, mastering, etc. there are no rules. Whatever it takes to get the job done is pretty much the only "rule." You are taking things way too literal and it's only going to hinder your progress.

Upload the tracks from a 30 second section of the song and we can show you what we are talking about. People WILL participate, we all enjoy little bits to work on for fun.


I wish i never had to compress or EQ things, but thats totally unrealistic bc you are almost always gonna have to do a little something.