What is you IQ?

Bah, I got only a meager 106.
That's because of the cubes and hectagons, I just can't stand those things lol.
Got an excellent result on the verbal part.
Anyway, 49 days til the next Opeth album :rock:
Metalloid said:
I love it when people correct other people on their grammar or spelling, because they invariably include an error in their own message. it's rather bizarre actually
well, aside from not capitalizing, (i never do with the personal "I" it's just too much ME for informal arenas such as this one), what's the problem?
besides, i wasn't correcting, just being amused...
T-Rat said:
well, aside from not capitalizing, (i never do with the personal "I" it's just too much ME for informal arenas such as this one), what's the problem?
besides, i wasn't correcting, just being amused...

sorry I actually wasn't directing that at you, I was just going along with your idea. it was more of a general thing that I have noticed
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int myiq;
    int youriq;

    cout << "What's your IQ?\n";
    cin >> youriq;

    myiq = youriq + 1;

    cout << youriq << "? Ha! Mine is " << myiq << "! Toolbag.\n";
Erich w/ an h said:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int myiq;
    int youriq;

    cout << "What's your IQ?\n";
    cin >> youriq;

    myiq = youriq + 1;

    cout << youriq << "? Ha! Mine is " << myiq << "! Toolbag.\n";

:err: :OMG: :err:
ChrisEmerson said:
oh and i have aspergers syndrome too. I am also a member of mensa, and have had my IQ tested by them at the age of 6, and by a psychologist at the age of 15, with pretty much the same result.

Internet IQ tests are all bollocks really.

I'm pretty sure that Mensa only accept something like 150+.
What do people in Mensa do anyway? I'm just curious, what the hell do they do all day? I've never seen anything amazing come from Mensa, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention, as I am wont to do. I want results from your secret society dammit.
PeeWee1473 said:
What do people in Mensa do anyway? I'm just curious, what the hell do they do all day? I've never seen anything amazing come from Mensa, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention, as I am wont to do. I want results from your secret society dammit.

They don't realy DO anything, they just like to hang out in their elitist clubhouse.