What is you IQ?

Actually I will because I never come to these forums alot so I don't care if I get flamed.

Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 30
Questions not answered: 0
Questions answered correctly: 29
Questions answered incorrectly: 1
Percentage correct answers: 97 %

Your age adjusted IQ score is 158 and the average score for all test takers is 100. You scored higher than 98 % of all the people that took this test.

I will say I had taken a very similar test so I knew most of the answers.
NeverIsForever said:
so his IQ is allegedly 158 but he doesn't realize it's possible to edit his old post rather than making another one immediately following it. interesting
no your stupid
Id like to look more in depth into the reasoning behind "IQ" tests... There seems to be massive ambiguities over these terms (IQ) as well.

My immediate reaction upon hearing about such tests (when I was young) was dismissal, and I cant say Ive changed my mind. This does not mean that I reject stratification of intelligence (this is an obvious reality), just their method of attempting to quantify it with a cute little test (barf).

According to their definition, Intelligence varies almost linearly with age, wealth, education, etc. Give an IQ test to a 5 year old, then again to the same individual at 30. Is that person suddenly more "intelligent" (what I would assume means the actual functioning of the brain) or it is the accumilation of knowledge and inferential ability that builds with age? Why can a score improve dramatically in a short period of time with exposure to more mathematics and pattern recognition problems?

The test may very well be a good measure of some aspect of intelligence, but why make such a sweeping claim as to the composite of human capability? (or is this assumption merely one made by the general public, with no fault by the test builders?)

I would state that, ironically, the person who parades a high IQ, would be the most lacking, as it reveals such a poor insight into the depth of the human mind, and all the intricacies of the brain.
you could certainly practice taking the types of questions they ask and thereby improve your score... i've done it... and therefore i am not convinced that they mean anything...
also, i score better after lots of coffee...
"stupid is as stupid does"
and i love that there's a grammar error in the title of this thread.
The rose petal thing was cool. Took me about 10 minutes. Not sure exactly what that means but eh. I find it odd that the professor guy that was mentioned on the page took over a year to solve it. I guess that just points to a linear way of solving problems.
Longinus said:
whats with petals of the roses? :(

Aren't you the guy that couldn't stop boasting about your prestigious schooling and how much more advanced you are than the average person when you first signed up for the forums? Ah, how the mighty have fallen. Or rather, the delusional.