What is you IQ?

The man that invented the first IQ test said himself that he doesn't really believe that you can accurately measure a person's intelligence. These tests don't take into account many different factors including musical ability, leadership skills, wit, ability to work under pressure (unless maybe it's timed), so on and so forth. A few of the better ones might measure creativity but only to a very small degree. Having said all that, I got a 129 when I took one once. Bah, pointless.
PeeWee1473 said:
The man that invented the first IQ test said himself that he doesn't really believe that you can accurately measure a person's intelligence. These tests don't take into account many different factors including musical ability, leadership skills, wit, ability to work under pressure

That's where Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence hypothesis comes in.
87 for me..i guess i don't answer questions correctly i don't want to answer lol, i hate tests, but in general i guess i have a high IQ.
the best IQ-test i ever made was one that had more questions than you could answer in a week or smth and when you closed the window a new one popped up with a message like 'wow, you wasted like x hours here, your IQ is y' and the higher x was, the lower was y...

edit: this one is quite cool too: http://crux.baker.edu/cdavis09/roses.html
it'S not an IQ-test but pretty funny anyway....ppl who solved the problem don't post how it works here. instructions are right on the side. it took me like 40 minutes to find out how it works. i've seen ppl solving it in 1 minutes and others trying for a week or smth...
Looking for a Job said:
this sentence is pointless. it's just comprised of words. words are pointless. you're pointless. you're just a person

Your response is pointless; this response is pointless. Yes, it's a shame everything is so pointless.
i love how 95% of the posters in this thread have alleged "130-140" IQs, yet i can count on one hand, the number of times ive read something truly extraordinary on this forum.

no offense to any one individual...but it just seems odd.