What is your credo?


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
What is the one statement that accurately describes you and your outlook on life.

For me it's probably. "I don't care whether the glass is half-empty, or half-full. I just want to fill it back up so people will stop asking that stupid question."
Mmm an statement. Its a little long but i like it


Error about life necessary for life. Every belief in the value and worth of life is based on impure thinking and is only possible because the individual's sympathy for life in general, and for the suffering of mankind, is very weakly developed. Even uncommon men who think beyond themselves at all do not focus on life in general, but rather on limited parts of it. If one knows how to keep his attention primarily on exceptions, that is, on the great talents and pure souls, if one takes their coming into existence to be the goal of all world evolution and rejoices in their activity, then one may believe in the value of life‑for one is overlooking other men, which is to say, thinking impurely. And likewise, if one does focus on all men, but takes only one type of drive, the less egoistical type, as valid and excuses mankind in respect to its other drives, then too one can hope something about mankind as a whole, and believe to this extent in the value of life‑in this case, too, through impurity of thought. But whichever is the case, such a stance makes one an exception among men. Most men tolerate life without grumbling too much and believe thus in the value of existence, but precisely because everyone wills himself alone and stands his ground alone, and does not step out of himself as do those exceptional men, everything extrapersonal escapes his notice entirely, or seems at the most a faint shadow. Thus the value of life for ordinary, everyday man is based only on his taking himself to be more important than the world. The great lack of fantasy from which he suffers keeps him from being able to empathize with other beings, and he therefore participates in their vicissitudes and suffering as little as possible. On the other hand, whoever would be truly able to participate in it would have to despair about the value of life; if he were able to grasp and feel mankind's overall consciousness in himself, he would collapse with a curse against existence‑for mankind, as whole, has no goals and consequently, considering the whole affair, man cannot find his comfort and support in it, but rather his despair. If, in everything he does, he considers the ultimate aimlessness of men, his own activity acquires the character of squandering in his eyes. But to feel squandered as mankind (and not just as an individual), as we see the single blossom squandered by nature, is a feeling above all feelings.

But who is capable of it? Certainly only a poet‑and poets always know how to comfort themselves.

Nietzsche, Human all to human
Well, my senior quote in my h.s. yearbook a few years ago was "Worry about your own life, then you will know what it is like to truly live, not merely exist"-Chuck Schuldiner...great quote...
Speaking of senior quotes, I've got some funny ones for you:

Mine was soooo lame. I must've been smoking crack. I actually kept a list of quotes that I liked, and for some god-forsaken reason this is what I deemed the best one:

"53% of people polled are glad they aren't the other 47%."

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???? I will forever regret that. :tickled:

My friend Stephanie, who is rather timid and concerned what people think about her, was misquoted:

"If I can stop one heart from beating, I shall not live in vain."

"Beating" was supposed to say "breaking." She was mortified. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just like this one.. I don't remember where I've seen it though.. maybe it was a guy's signature or something.. whatever..

"You laugh at me because I'm different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same"

it's so metallish.. I think I'll make a t-shirt with this one :pP
ren and stimpy rules :D
one of the best cartoons ever.
It's log it's log,
it's big
it's heavy
it's wood!

the quote i probably like the most is:
"In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king."

i think i remember posting this in another thread
déjà vu..
Originally posted by Lina
Speaking of senior quotes, I've got some funny ones for you:

Mine was soooo lame. I must've been smoking crack. I actually kept a list of quotes that I liked, and for some god-forsaken reason this is what I deemed the best one:

"53% of people polled are glad they aren't the other 47%."

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???? I will forever regret that. :tickled:

hah i like it!

My friend Stephanie, who is rather timid and concerned what people think about her, was misquoted:

"If I can stop one heart from beating, I shall not live in vain."

"Beating" was supposed to say "breaking." She was mortified. :lol: :lol: :lol:

that line is from my absolute favorite poem from one of my favorite poetesses emily dickinson.

~not in vain~

If i can stop one heart from breaking,
i shall not live in vain:
if i can ease one life the aching,
or cool one pain,
or help one fainting robin
unto his nest again,
i shall not live in vain

but the credo i seem to live by is "theres plenty of time for sleep.....when your dead."

haah- ive no idea where its from