^ Thruth! I'm an old prog fan, but had never heard about Dream Theater until you told me to listen to them. Go firgure... but when I did, there was no turning back! And I'm eternally grateful for your advise
Took some adjusting but really paid off in the end. Did go to see them in concert a few years back in Helsinki, too.
It's how these things happen - always listen to a good advisor
Oops! About Nightwish, after 15 years of fandom, still can't make sure which album would be my favourite. All of them have their ups and downs, I reckon. :Spin:

It's how these things happen - always listen to a good advisor

Oops! About Nightwish, after 15 years of fandom, still can't make sure which album would be my favourite. All of them have their ups and downs, I reckon. :Spin: