What is your Favourite Ice Cream Flavour?


Just curious, does Mitsubishi sell Pajeros to any South American countries?


Is that what you guys in australia think about us?

Nah, not unless you mention German porn and I notice quite a few of your swear words are shit related.

I've been to Germany a few times, my dad went to college there, our ex guitarist married a German girl......there were also a few SS members in my family tree :lol: so I have an appreciation for the place and its people.

I worked for an Austrian company and don't mind them either, a nice part of the world for sure.

Nah, not unless you mention German porn and I notice quite a few of your swear words are shit related.

German porn is known for its ''shitty'' content? But you're right with the swear words :lol:

I worked for an Austrian company and don't mind them either, a nice part of the world for sure.

Thats not germany
Are you retarded? The world mistakes us for bavarians and you even call us schwaben? I cant even understand those guys. South of germany.. lol
That's as dumb as calling any englishmen something like yorkshirerer
and you even call us schwaben?

It wasn't me, as I said,
yes I know, all Germans are not from Swabia.
it's a funny old guy who says it.

In Switzerland, "Sauschwab" is a derogatory term for Germans, derived from the Swabian War of 1499. In Serbian, Macedonian, Polish, and Bulgarian, "Shvab" or "Szwab" may be a semi-abusive term for any German, not just one from Swabia. In parts of the former Yugoslavia (i.e. Slovenia, Slavonija in Croatia, and Vojvodina in Serbia), the term Swab is somewhat applied to all German peoples who lived in those regions until shortly after World War II, and many of their descendants; it is even occasionally used as a slang term to refer to all Germans including Austrians and Swiss Germans.
