What is your Favourite Ice Cream Flavour?

Probably vanilla, or french vanilla. Maple walnut is pretty good, and cookie dough ice cream on occasion.
Probably vanilla, or french vanilla.

There is no difference in Vanilla to "French Vanilla". Its just a marketing term to sell more. Because its French Vanilla, its now made at home by an artisan French Chef...which is why you can see bits of vanilla bean and its slightly yellower in colour.

All this is dumb as shit, because pure french cooking would never ever allow for black specs in their cream (hence why white pepper is used so often in french food). The whiter and more pure white ice cream would be more of a "french vanilla" than anything.
There is no difference in Vanilla to "French Vanilla".

Not in your 'traditional' view but when you go to the store you can see a difference between the two varieties.

You are right though.

What is the Difference Between Vanilla and French Vanilla?

Traditional vanilla ice cream is also likely to contain small flecks of vanilla beans, but French vanilla is often strained to remove these flecks.

Because of the egg yolks, French vanilla ice cream also appears to be a deeper shade of yellow than traditional vanilla ice cream.

French vanilla ice cream is often viewed as creamier in texture than many standard vanilla ice cream brands, which may be a result of starting with a custard base instead of cream.

Lucky boy! The hookers here refer to oral sex as 'French'. :lol:

I feel sorry for those of 'Greek' origin - the term for anal.


People all over the world refer to oral sex as "French" not just hookers.
I guess you always pay for sex?
People all over the world refer to oral sex as "French" not just hookers.

Wasn't sure about that, do you also refer to anal as 'Greek'?

I know there are regional variations, I hear if you say you're going to a 'sauna' in England it means brothel whereas here that would imply a gay brothel, the old school slang for brothel here was 'massage parlour'.

I guess you always pay for sex?

I always pay for sex, even if I don't have to hand over money. :(


Maybe s should start a language, that way he won~t keep arguing with people over what things are called.


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Just make sure never to confuse pork knuckle with knuckle cake in Germany.



I dont get it.
I usually dont "need" to talk in english to most of the people here so I would never say these words.

Just curious, does Mitsubishi sell Pajeros to any South American countries?

I understand that you're referring to the ''german knuckle cake''. I still dont get why it is german.