What is your Favourite Ice Cream Flavour?

And he always feared the day he would get his gas bill.

Fuck Hitler, the germans are to blame for the evil things in the world!
I hate white chocolate ice cream. That's an abomination, nobody should ever eat it.

I hate white chocolate.

It's too sweet, it kinda makes me want to puke... and normal chocolate is just so much tastier that makes white chocolate's existence useless.
my opinion, of course.

Well at least you aren't totally fucked in the head.
White Chocolate isn't even chocolate.

Crunch is a fucking boring ice cream. It's more or less the same as chocolate, which really has no reason to exist.

It was just the year I was born, and still is. I had an immature process to constructing forum names back then. I've asked Deron to remove it too, like 5 times, the my pals. Anyway, Germany is a fine place and no one actually still thinks German's are terror plotters. American's, Jews and anyone with a dish towel on their head are the problem.
It was just the year I was born, and still is. I had an immature process to constructing forum names back then. I've asked Deron to remove it too, like 5 times, the my pals.

You must have an immature way of asking, as well as addressing me, as this is the first time I am seeing you request it.

Now, I'll wait until you PM me properly, with "I'm a big boy" respect, and I'll remove it.
I'm afraid to ask but... do you actually sit here and read this shit, waiting until your name pops up to say something or is there some kind of notification system that alerts you when DERON or METALAGES is posted?
While you're at it change my name back to Heartless_Name or Heartless (preferably Heartless)... I'm not paying you $10 bucks to do it but c'mon man, we gots history.