What is your PP Weekend Travel Playlist?


... of darkness.
Dec 29, 2006
I'm curious what you'll all be listening to as a warm-up and recover from ProgPower. Anything special? Any particular reasons for it?

We talked about doing a Blind Guardian marathon because it's been ages since we had a good listen to them. BG was also the main focus of the online chat room where several of the attendees to PP met in 1997-8 or so. Plus it's remarkable how quickly the time goes when you're belting out the Bard's Song.

The albums of choice:
- Nightfall in Middle Earth
- The Forgotten Tales
- Imaginations from the Other Side
- Somewhere Far Beyond
- Tales from the Twilight World

Kalle has me in training to be able to sing wildly along with Threshold, so we'll likely have some Threshold karaoke. Scary.

I really enjoy radio surfing on road trips, so hopefully the guys will indulge me as we go through Germany and the Netherlands.

Anyone else already planning the tunes?

Same soundtrack as each year: THE LAMENTATION OF THEIR WOMEN.

That'd actually be a good name for a brutal death band.
Prolly some Threshold, Amaran's Plight, Andromeda, Firewind, Mygrain, Savatage, Susperia, Wuthering Heights and Malpractice. To name just a few on my mp3 player.
Daniel, I will forever think of that album as "The Lamination of Their Women". It goes well with "Fear of a Blanket" or anything else by Sleepytime Porcupine Tree :D

Ziltoid is also mandatory in our car :hehe:
I just got off the phone with Legana and she has SUCH an Australian accent you wouldn't recognize her by voice anymore :OMG: :headbang: She sends her love, hugs and butt swats to everyone and expressed concern that "Her Swedes" will be getting into trouble without her there to nag :lol:

It looks like we'll be taking the train or flying, so our road trip playlist is dead. Unless... what are the chances of getting an entire train car singing along to a cheerful classic by Cradle of Filth? Hmm.
It looks like we'll be taking the train or flying, so our road trip playlist is dead. Unless... what are the chances of getting an entire train car singing along to a cheerful classic by Cradle of Filth? Hmm.

oh crap.

I am going to be so poor after this trip.
but hey. let's grab a ghetto blaster with us to the train.
I guess our travelling company in the train will love us forever, but who cares?

I'm curious what you'll all be listening to as a warm-up and recover from ProgPower. Anything special? Any particular reasons for it?

Well, as far as good travelling tunes go, I guess it'll be my usual of a bit of Anathema (was so hoping for them at this PP), The Gathering, Porcupine Tree, Wolverine, Sun Caged, Ulrich Schnauss, Sigur Ros, Riverside, Dark Tranquility, Devin, Primordial & a bit of Moonsorrow for good measure! That should get me from the midlands, across the north sea and down to the south of the Netherlands in a good mood :headbang:
OMG! Beware people from Sweden. Beware people from Finland. Norwegian invasion coming!!! :)

I thought it was germany vs. Finland last year in the drunkard competition? Are you implying Norway might be in the running for first place this year? :kickass:

Kenneth, yeah, I didn't have a train ticket in the budget either. The worst part is that I have to go to the train office to get the tickets since we're going to NL. Let's see if I can say "Mönchengladbach" in a French accent :erk:
aaah. norweigans are fun.
hellspawn of the vikings :D

well I guess we will just have to do what we can.
sell ourselves in geneve, or something, to raise money for the train tickets.
or make Kalle pay for the fun :D