What kind of alcohol/drugs do you all partake in?

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Just wondering:rolleyes: :lol: I know that lots of ppl aroung here smoke pot *cough*neal*cough,cough* and drink,A LOT *cough*LEDMAG*cough*.Despite my age,I guess alcohol would be my main thing.I drank beer when I was younger,though I'm not really into the stuff now.I had a Bloody Mary once,but I don't like them.Sanguria is the best.But I haven't had the fortune to try wine coolers,though I hear they are very good,so I'll have to try and get my hands on some sooner or later.And your addictions are...?
for a while in my late teens into early 20s I got high just about every day and downed quite a bit of beer...also got involved a bit in cocaine but couldn't afford it much so that kept me out of that trouble, thank god. I also didn't like the way it made people so greedy for more. and of course lsd and a few times mushrooms, I probably tripped about 35-40 times and hey, my brain is uggle wug wump bump tiddly tivey too :lol: nothing wrong with me!

but when my son was born it was time to grow up and now I only drink beer. wine coolers are tasty and women love them because of the sweet taste but I'll stick with good old fashioned barley, water and hops.
Any alcohol except beer. The thought of having a huge beer stomach like the few heavy beer drinkers I know makes me nauseous. That's why I prefer the hard stuff. Don't have to drink a twelve-pack to get buzzed. :loco:
ok this will be a shocker...but i smoke the weed! weed is the best for many reasons. 1)you cant fuckin overdose 2)it gets you high 3)you can mix it with everything 4)bong rips 5)it gets you high 6)not addictive 7)it gets you..well ok you all get the idea. ive done shrooms about 10 times and drink fairly often i suppose. a decent $20-25 per half gallon rum is my favorite. add a little rc cola and you're set. ill drink anything really but i prefer the dark ones like rum, brandy, whiskey an such. clear shit tastes bad and makes ya sick! i dont like beer. havnt tried any other drugs becuase i dont know any drug dealers. i almost didnt respond to this thread becuase i dont want it to sound like im bragging or somthing hah. im always anoyed when people are like "wow i was SO DRUNK!" like it takes some kind of talent to fucking drink haha.
Perfectly clean. Not even a sip or a hit. And my only reason is because I made a promise to myself not to do it. I don't want to. Not because I have anything against it. I hate it when people think that I hate pot because I don't do it. My only drug is HEAVY FUCKING METAL. And it's damn addictive.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
Perfectly clean. Not even a sip or a hit. And my only reason is because I made a promise to myself not to do it. I don't want to. Not because I have anything against it. I hate it when people think that I hate pot because I don't do it. My only drug is HEAVY FUCKING METAL. And it's damn addictive.
arent you like 14 anyway? you shouldnt do it, it'll stunt your fucking growth.
lets see....carcass albums....weed....alchohol....that includes beers and liquors....tobacco....cloves are nice....cheese....um....i think thats it.....might try acid soon though
I do none. Its wrong to warp your sense of reallity. People do drugs/acohol to escape a reality that they can't handle. I believe in preservation of mind. A sober mind is a stronger and truer mind. Be true your self and your own. I'm glad I'm not the only guy who sees it that way.