What kind of pick does Alexi use?

As Epi said, Jim Dunlop Jazz III, What a lot of professional players use! JOHN PETRUCCI user it as well!
Jazz III are amazing picks, i used them in the beginning, and then tried some other picks for a month, but went back to Jazz III's. You can't deny they are great picks, even if you don't like alexi.

Btw, alexi uses the Black Jazz III's they are abit thicker and have another texture from the red ones.
Yes, what they said above. Only his pick says CoB on one side and has his signature printed on the other. That makes it more 1337.

i head that if you get all of the guitar stuff he has, you will automatically play just like him.

I heard that too, and if you paint yours nails, wear eyeliner and get COBHC tattooed across your knuckles... you'll sound just like him...

... no wait, sorry... that just makes you a poser douche... my bad :lol:
when i meet OMGALEXI!!!!111oneoneone last night, he said he used these picks.. no shit.
Jazz III are amazing picks, i used them in the beginning, and then tried some other picks for a month, but went back to Jazz III's. You can't deny they are great picks, even if you don't like alexi.

Btw, alexi uses the Black Jazz III's they are abit thicker and have another texture from the red ones.

i had some of those texture ones before but i'm pretty sure they aren't a different thickness..

and now i got some that are exactly like the red ones just black