What makes a death metal vocalist good?


Thinking is overrated
Dec 28, 2002
Costa Rica
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I never really liked death vocals until I listened to Dark Tranquility, now I realize that depending on the music sometimes they sound perfect.

The other day I was wondering, what makes a death metal vocalist good? I know the guy from Dark tranquility is one of my favorites, and IMO he sounds better than the guys from Soilwork, Children of Bodom, Opeth; but I don't know exactly why.

Any thoughts?
nataservant said:
no thoughts, it all depends on you I guess
I feel as long as the whole musical scheme fits together, I like it.

Sure, my point is that death metal vocalists seem to be more difficult to rate.
I agree that death metal vocals are difficult to rate. By the way, I do not consider any of the bands you mentioned death metal. If a death metal vocalist is good, he is more expressive than the average death metal vocalist who just does low unintelligeable growling the whole time with no variation. A good death metal vocalist will also be easier to understand than the average dm vocalist, and you will be able to at least make out a good amount of what he is saying. I think that Frank Mullen (Suffocation), Thomas Lindberg (At The Gates *RIP), John Gallagher (Dying Fetus), David Vincent (ex. Morbid Angel), etc. are good death metal vocalists. Average dm vocalists are Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse), Karl Sanders (Nile), Joe Ptacek (Broken Hope), the guy frmo Devourment, the guy from Regorge, etc.. But regarless, death metal isn't as much about the vocals as it is about the guitar riffs. Band like Nile, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, etc. all kick ass because of their cool riffs and tight musicianship.
You know I agree with that statement.....BUT some people might think the low monotonous growling vox are better then ones you can understand. It's pretty much your taste on the subject. Usually like everything else. Opinions opinions opinions
Life Sucks said:
I agree that death metal vocals are difficult to rate. By the way, I do not consider any of the bands you mentioned death metal. If a death metal vocalist is good, he is more expressive than the average death metal vocalist who just does low unintelligeable growling the whole time with no variation. A good death metal vocalist will also be easier to understand than the average dm vocalist, and you will be able to at least make out a good amount of what he is saying. I think that Frank Mullen (Suffocation), Thomas Lindberg (At The Gates *RIP), John Gallagher (Dying Fetus), David Vincent (ex. Morbid Angel), etc. are good death metal vocalists. Average dm vocalists are Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse), Karl Sanders (Nile), Joe Ptacek (Broken Hope), the guy frmo Devourment, the guy from Regorge, etc.. But regarless, death metal isn't as much about the vocals as it is about the guitar riffs. Band like Nile, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, etc. all kick ass because of their cool riffs and tight musicianship.

They're not death metal bands, but they do have death vocals. Easier to understand sounds interesting as a rating.
Esteban said:
They're not death metal bands, but they do have death vocals. Easier to understand sounds interesting as a rating.
Yeah they do have death metal vocals, especially the growled vocals of Opeth and Soilwork. It's just that the music isn't death metal, but you have a valid point that the vocals are death.



Man, this thread got me thinkin' and they are hard to rate!!
I like Lord Worm, Dallas Toller Wade, the really gutteral Dying Fetus one, Karl Sanders...
What makes a good death metal vocalist??? hummm.. question, i've been thinking about it for a while, and i came to this conclusion:

A guy may have the best gutural voice, the most deep, high or whatever. But what makes him actually good, its the OSMOSIS of the vocalist with the music... IMO, the guy from Opeth its the best death metal vox i've ever heard. But imagine your best vocalist, whit a shitload of music.... that's my opinion.

Matter of taste.
I actually think Joe Ptacek is very distinctive. He has a nice rounded growl that is expressive and deep and eeeeevil.

As concerns average sounding gutteral growling, I very much like it when they're deep and animalistic, but are clear enough for you to hear the lyrics. Vocalists who do that are very good I think.

Other vocalists that I like are ones who abandon the extreme guttural and focus on deep aggressiveness; Kyle Symons of Malevolent Creation is excellent in this regard.

Otherwise....just vocalists who have an edge that makes them distinctive from other death vocalists. My favourite at the moment is Dave Rotten, head of Repulse records and totally awesome vocalist of Avulsed. He has a very sinister low growl which is moderately clear, but also a completely evil and brutal higher scream...no...they're more like tortured clean vocals....but they completely rock. Songs like 'Pale Red Blood' and 'I Feel Good Eating Human Flesh' are good examples.
Esteban said:
I never really liked death vocals until I listened to Dark Tranquility, now I realize that depending on the music sometimes they sound perfect.

The other day I was wondering, what makes a death metal vocalist good? I know the guy from Dark tranquility is one of my favorites, and IMO he sounds better than the guys from Soilwork, Children of Bodom, Opeth; but I don't know exactly why.

Any thoughts?

I don't know why some death metal vocalists appeal to me more than others either. Mikael Stanne is one of the best though.
Hell yeah!!! Karl Symons of Malevolent Creation has the most cool and brutal deathvocal I have ever heard. Fits the music just perfect. It´s varied, full of anger and deals only with death and murder. Definately "The Will To Kill" was one of last years better deathmetalalbums!!!
leper iffinity said:
The more guttural the better in my opinion, i personally like my Death/Grind/Gore vocalists to sound like somebody vomiting/shitting down a drain pipe.

hmm... for me it's the other way around, the cleaner the better