Ohhhh... Thank you so very much Morg and Gaunerin! I feel honored, I really do! I am not that good at recieving such nice words and compliments tho ( and in fact, I am the worst one in giving them, it just feels ankward... )

something I needs to work on it seems..
Funny things, ey?
Well... When I need some good chering up ( and for some reason don´t listen to music, wich is an odity ) I watch Black Adder or Monty Python...They usually crack me up...

I tend to read funny books like "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" series, or Any Terry Pratchett book I can find ( just open a page, and

OR, I just take a walk with Mattias. That always ends up in laughter, and always has..
Many things tends to make me laugh, mostly since I have this stupid voice inside me always trying to make me say stupid things at impropriate places and such stuff, that makes me giggle, and ppl tend to think I must be a wacko, sitting at the chair in class giggling... Hehee... But Bloody fun it is! When that voice aint there I usually feel down...
-phyros (
