What makes you laugh?

Monthy Phyton makes me laugh. .............It's a bit difficult to say exactly what, because most of the time, it's someone doing or saying smth that seems funny at the moment for the ones who are there. Things that won't be funny if you tell to someone else.
I'm with Oyo here as well. I laugh at just about anything, but I definitely enjoy watching standup comedians. Comedy Central is one of the few channels I watch.

I watched a Cheech and Chong movie on Comedy Central last night...that's some funny stuff, and you don't have to be a stoner to laugh at it. ;)

I recently started listening to my Bill Hicks songs, and he was a brilliant comedian...very funny stuff.

I guess I'm pretty easily amused. :p
Ohhhh... Thank you so very much Morg and Gaunerin! I feel honored, I really do! I am not that good at recieving such nice words and compliments tho ( and in fact, I am the worst one in giving them, it just feels ankward... ) :cry: something I needs to work on it seems.. :)

Funny things, ey?
Well... When I need some good chering up ( and for some reason don´t listen to music, wich is an odity ) I watch Black Adder or Monty Python...They usually crack me up...:) I tend to read funny books like "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" series, or Any Terry Pratchett book I can find ( just open a page, and :lol: )

OR, I just take a walk with Mattias. That always ends up in laughter, and always has..:)

Many things tends to make me laugh, mostly since I have this stupid voice inside me always trying to make me say stupid things at impropriate places and such stuff, that makes me giggle, and ppl tend to think I must be a wacko, sitting at the chair in class giggling... Hehee... But Bloody fun it is! When that voice aint there I usually feel down... :cry:

-phyros ( :lol: )
Hehe, yup, Barron Blod rules!!! OJ is really funny :)

Oh, and Borettslaget!! Hope that starts again.... All those ppl were really funny. And Piirka worked at Ikea!! hehe L0L
what makes me laugh??
hmmm i can't mention sth in particular.Sometimes it depends much on my mood....i usually laugh like lunatic when sth funny happens,it comes automatically...
some things my special one says make me laugh (i don't mean it in a negative way :grin: ) and sometimes my mum....
and hehe my friend Evi when she falls to the ground :grin:

funny thread DWD :)

I'm always immature :rolleyes:
Mr. Bean makes me hysterical with laughter...especially when he does his little dance. ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

And well...nobody mentioned it, so maybe it's just me (I'm rather sick I suppose), but damn it when someone farts, THAT'S funny.

:lol: :lol:

I don't know why exactly....

:lol: :lol: :lol: