What makes...


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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Well in my drunkey type haze, I have decided to start a bunch of questions I will nevr finish with, starting with.....what makes a good front man? and who is you fav frontman?

Mw well, it has to be Bruce Bruce, he has the voice and the fucking style, so answer my question you weak bastards, what makes a good frontman/woman IYO and who is your number one?:headbang:
Bruce is obviously awesome, and possibly the best I have seen

Joey from Anthrax was amazing, they were so switched on live. He was easily one of the best I have seen.

Warrel Dane was great too, but for a different reason. While the other 2 were full of energy and getting the crowd going, Dane was just an intimidating presence that commanded the stage and the audience. Awesome.

I get the impression Matt Barlow was an awesome frontman too. I wish I got to see him front Iced Earth.

I guess what makes a good front man/woman is just offering something unique, whether it is energy, presence, performance, or a good combination.
Voice, stage presence, between-song banter. Those three. Bruce has all three. Best frontman ever (that I can think of at this very moment in time).
Bruce Dickinson is a great frontman, and truly one of the best. But here's some more:

Paul Stanley. I'm sure Trent would agree.
Jon Bon Jovi. He learned by watching Paul Stanley, so that figures.
Mick Jagger.
Iggy Pop.
Bon Scott.
Jim Morrison.
Ronnie James Dio.
Yeah Terry's a good'un. Get's that loon glare thing going and seems to be a man possessed, which he probably is.

Peter Garrett
Ice T
Link Meanie

Brucey is the best though.
I wish I'd gone to see him now on his recent tour. Oh well, he'll be back, hopefully with a new Body Count lineup. He's good to watch, isn't he? :)
I think being able to command the audience is the most important thing, as well as being exciting to watch and just generally giving the whole package of a real show, a high energy performance, a good image, and being in control of the crowd. In my opinion the best of all time is....


Followed by Paul Stanley!
hahaha, ^^^ I knew that was coming.

Anyone who is hilarious is a good frontman. A bit of movement is also good, but sometimes it works if there isn't quite as much.

I think Peter Steele is a great frontman, because he's hilarious and entertaining as fuck, but he doesn't move much. Wine bottle slides are class.

I haven't seen Michael Kiske, but I have Helloweens Live in the UK and he goes off his tits in between songs.

Justin Hawkins was unreal at BDO 04. Anyone who starts up a "tits! tits!" chant is alright in my book.

There's just a few that haven't already been mentioned.

Oh, and Robert Plant back when Zeppelin were Zeppelin. Not since. *shudders at voice breaks*

AND DAMN AXL ROSE. Easily my favourite frontman. Just worked out that no one has mentioned him yet.
I'd got with

Bon Scott
Ronnie J Dio.
Freddy Mercury.
David Lee Roth.
Ozzy...when he was'nt lead around the nose by Sharon.
Axel Rose.
Paul Stanley
Bruce Dickinson.
Rob Halford.

To name a few