What Metal Means to Me

To be honest, I don't like any kind of metal. I just spend all my money (whenever I have some leftovers from my beer funds) on metal CDs, but that's just to make people think I'm a tr00 eeevil metalhead. The kind of music I really like....Madonna, Backstreet Boys, Brintey Speared. :grin:

No laughing there.....I once was human just like you. :p
Originally posted by my fellow Metal Girl Marlies
oh and I like the term true.. it just stands (or at least it should!) for classic metal, referring to being true to the roots! I don't like too many different influences in metal (like in nu metal, crossover) so true metal fits me fine (see all my urls and email addy hehe). In black metal I see it being abused unfortunately - I reckon that's where your reference to intolerance is coming from, Silkie..

I don't know.....I understand what you mean but I cannot help it..when someone refers to "true" I always see those leather, spikes and patches wearing guys that sing about the mighty warrior of steel or smth like that. You know, the kind of Metal we don't like :lol: I'm probably too much influenced by the media because they basically came up with that True Metal genre I reckon :rolleyes:

Originally posted by the one and only k-mak
Brintey Speared

speared?? :lol: :grin:
Originally posted by Kalmakoff
My fingers....it must be my fingers, they seem to live a life of their own. Cause I sure as hell have no idea wottehell they're typing. :p

I thought it was a pun and you spelled it intentionally that way....
Originally posted by Gaunerin
I don't know.....I understand what you mean but I cannot help it..when someone refers to "true" I always see those leather, spikes and patches wearing guys that sing about the mighty warrior of steel or smth like that. You know, the kind of Metal we don't like :lol: I'm probably too much influenced by the media because they basically came up with that True Metal genre I reckon :rolleyes:

Indeed, I see them too... argh... they are soooooooooo tr00...
Esp. thinking of those hm say... Sacred Steel... fans... urgh...

Marlies you talking of old school, that's fine with me.

Thinking of our pics from Monschau... hihihihi... :grin:
you could say tr00 there... but they are more, they are old school and not so serious about being tr00.... :lol: *rotfalmao*
Originally posted by Silkie
Esp. thinking of those hm say... Sacred Steel... fans... urgh...
oh yeah, I've seen them live......... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Silkie
But thinking of our pics from Monschau... hihihihi... :grin:
you could say tr00 there... but they are more, they are old school and not so serious about being tr00.... :lol: *rotfalmao*
don't you remind me of those!!! :lol: *searches her harddisc to check them again* :grin:
What Metal means to me, fun, life, solace...

@ Marlies: yes, 30 years ago we had Uriah Heep, Deep Purple etc... at that time it was so to say the heaviest ;)
but it was my start and it lead me into the music taste I have today.
Uriah Heep is to blame for all... and I still love them for it... and still listen to them these days