Jan 10, 2005
Somebody showed me this picture from Andy's Godless Endeavor session on the drum set and I can't figure out a couple of the mics he used...

The toms all have MD421's, and the high tom appears to have either a Sennheiser e609 or an e906..but the snare and floor tom mics are what? I have never seen the snare mic he is using. And I can't even tell what that is on the floor tom. Here's a link to the pic:


Anybody know? Andy care to devulge this information?

"Snare is a KM86i, which is side address, download pdf here http://www.neumann.com/infopool/hist...hp?ProdID=km86

All toms are 421, just had to adapt a clip on the floor as I've lost the proper one.

OH's are shure sm81's and Audio Technica, room is M149 and kicks are beta 52's.

Not sure what the clamps are, just cheap Stagg ones I think, but I found they fit 421's if you use the clamp upside down!"

"oh yeah, got an SM98 on snare bottom."
Can't find that mic on SweetWater...any other online stores that have Neumann mics?

I tried to search for it, but using everything from "Andy Sneap Nevermore" and "Andy Sneap Nevermore Godless Endeavor", "Godless Endeavor Nevermore" only came up with random stuff in other forums. I searched through like, 30 pages of results too, lol. Still no luck. Plus when I try to use the advanced search Safari freaks out and closes, every time. If it is the KM86, then what about the floor tom mic?

Oh, sorry, apparently that mic is a "historic" mic for Neumann...so I guess I would be looking on eBay and such for that one. The floor tom mic looks like a black large diaphragm condesnor...the pic is kinda dark in that area though. Cool, thanks Brett.

Andy, how did you get ahold of that Neumann...they don't make it anymore. I'm assuming some shop there in UK or on eBay maybe?

I've never used a condensor for the snare...how does it compare to using a dynamic, other than the obvious things I mean. As in...why did you pick that mic instead of a dynamic like the SM57 or something?

So how often to do you try out things for the first time and they work, and other times they don't? Is it pretty much a 50/50 or do usually make anything work? I use to do that all the time, try random mics on stuff just to see if it would work, I'm wierd like that, and about 9/10 times I made it work and it sounded great. Every once in a while though, I'll hit the wall on an idea and have to revert to how I regularly do it.
