What music do you put on when you have to do work?

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Well i should be writing this paper for latin american history, but im surfing the net instead :cry: but when i do thinking work, i like to put on some softer metal like DT I&W (i only like I&W and awake because of kevin moore and when labrie did have a voice). Some other good stuff i listen during work is Conception "In your multitude" (possibly the best cd ever!). Freak Guitar by Mattias Eklundh is very relaxing. Nightingale "I", Kamelot "Karma", Pain of Salvation "The perfect element", and Winds "reflections of the I", and last but certainly not least Fates Warning "APSoG" are all great as well.

When it comes down to serious business like working out or getting pumped for a football game or chess or kickin your friends ass at Tekken 4 you got to go with the heavy metal like Nevermore, Into Eternity, and Zero Hour.
well at work i put on metal most times, but if i have to work fast i put on some pennywise or AFI or somthing. punk gets me moving fast. and i never used to listen to music when i had to write papers for school and shit i dont think. if i had to now id prolly put on some orbital or amon tobin or some other nice slow trippy techno.
Tekken 4 kicks ass. My brother has a playstation 2 and I went over to his house and played it the other day. Tekken Force kicks ass. I beat the four levels and earned like 41,000 points. Don't know what difficulty it was on though. Probably easy or normal knowing my brother. Not to say he is bad at games, just that he always starts a game out on easy or normal as most people do. To answer your question, it's according what kind of work. If I'm doing school work, I don't listen to any music. If I'm doing a work around the house, I'll probably put on Metal or prog rock. And between work when I need to relax I'll put on celtic or classical.
I've tried working on homework and things like that when I have my stereo on.But it doesn't really work for me.If anything,having to concentrate on some boring as hell math homework only makes me concentrate more on whatever cd I have playing.And it's kind of hard to keep writing when I start thashing and drumming on the table top:lol: Same thing when I'm writing casually,like a story.Sometimes,if I don't have the music playing too loud,it'll help enhance the mood of what I'm writing(that's when I have to be selective about what I play).But,for the most part,it just gets in the way:cry:,more like an interruption than a mood enhancement.Though sometimes it helps to have music on when I draw.I draw a picture of Layne Staley;I play Alice in Chains.I draw a picture of Peter Steele;I listen to Type O Negative.But I had a hard time drawing when I was listening to Nevermore,because than I was doing more singing than drawing.
Erasure "Sometimes", Ramones... what ever crosses my way.... on the radio, cuz it's the only thing that I listen to when I'm at work. and babbling of the women around me who don't have understanding nor compassion for the pain I live while translating medical reports about people who are dying or are close to that. :D