What other message boards do you frequent?

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
I guess I'll start:

Megadeth boards
Tabcrawler forums
stileproject forums (I occasionally post there)
I used to frequent the ConsumptionJunction boards a lot, but the board is pretty much dead now
sofakinggamer boards and predatorial-tendencies boards (these are gaming sites that are inactive as well)
Gamefaqs Metal Board
Gaia Online Metal Board
The Doomed Forum (Doom-Metal.com's boards)
Remedy Lane (Pain of Salvation's official boards)
The Final Fantasy
Zelda Universe
ones that aren't hosted on UM?

Thomas Ligotti Online
and then two message boards for two different groups of friends
Haha, so did I. I declared Jihad against Noktorn for his stupid as fuck review of The Sword - Age of Winters and threatened to take down M-A in the process if I had to.

It was all an empty threat of a joke but they took it seriously and got me banned haha.
Haha, so did I. I declared Jihad against Noktorn for his stupid as fuck review of The Sword - Age of Winters and threatened to take down M-A in the process if I had to.

It was all an empty threat of a joke but they took it seriously and got me banned haha.

Thier really pissy on that board for some reason.
UM is the only english speaking metal forum I frequent.
Others are:

- ukrainian heavy metal forum
- ukrainian black metal forum
- ukrainian metal forum
- russian metal forum
- another russian metal forum
- american forum for drummers
- ukrainian forum for drummers
- some russian one, that I've been banned on


UM is my #1 though.
The Symphony X board is the one I post most on, then this, and occasionally Opeth. I go to MA a lot but don't post much.