What pisses me off

Speaking of waking up.... when I got in this morning they had cranked out office heating up full. It's a fan forced (ie reverse cycle) air conditioner that happens to sit straight across from my desk.

Now the problem with this is that fan force heaters make me incredibly sleepy and even crook at times. So I'm struggling to keep my head up off the desk... doesn't help that I had a late night either :(
maiden are touring start of 2008 why would you need to fly?

Yeh. I hope, but i dont think we should start a conversation on it cause it will just drain any hope i have of them coming here.

I didn't mean i would probably take the 100 bucks out of a wallet! but I once found a 50 on the floor in some pub.. and i took it.

Same, not at a pub but at the shops. I dunno what id do seriously, it would depend on everything. I've lost my wallet plenty of times before, one guy took it cause i lost it on the ground. Lucky my phone was with it and we rang my phone and yeh, we met up again and he gave it back.

People that fail to wake up to themselves...............

Just cause i like STRYPER!!!! FFS!
my workplace has the worst aircon ever
i sit there boiling all day, no matter waht time of the year it is
but if they make it colder the fuckwits over the other side of the office complain they're freezing
why they just don't put jumpers on... its not even worth arguing about with those types anyway
The big problem in my office is there's one big air con unit which sits directly opposite my desk... it's great in summer but in winter, the women in accounting constantly bitch and moan about the heat not reaching them so they jack the temperature up to insane levels. They still complain about being cold while I sweat like a pig
Not being able to get to sleep before midnight or really even 2am for the past month despite massive attempts. And I find myself yet again just lying there annoyed. Fun.
My new migraine medication..... I took them for the first time yesterday morning, it cleared up my migraine very quickly...... but I then proceeded to get every side effect that was described to me. The tightness in the chest was particularly fun :(
:( Sorry to hear Todd.

And yeah.. I couldn't find my book.. and it's one that awakens me more anyway.. it's a pyscho analysis book on Hysteria.. so it's all lose lose haha.