What pisses me off

Separating egg whites and yolks. Why can't chickens just be smarter and lay them in two different sets of eggs or something... inconsiderate animals they are.

It's not a hard thing to do , dude..................

Yeah... all you do is hold an egg over a container and use a spoon to stop the yolk falling in. Takes about 10 seconds.



This little took just made life that little bit easier :D
not being able to find information on a musician who has been making music for almost 20 years and not knowing whether they are alive or dead.

the person is Cynthia Witthoft if anyone has a proper bio page or information on if she is alive or dead.
Well obviously it has to be origin. Although NSW deserved to lose, their performance deserved a better scoreline than a 30-0. A few dodgy calls to Queensland, although NSW had a couple too. How they rule NSW for a forward pass yet allow Darius Boyd to score from an Inglis forward pass is beyond me. How they also let a forward pass followed by a knock on go pisses me off. It led to Brett Stewart, who I thought was man of the match, being caught in goal. However, Anthony Quinn was penalised for impeding a runner who was part of the kick-chase. The kick would have never happened if the pass was ruled forward, or if one of three officials saw the knock on straight after. I can admit if my team rightfully lost, as NSW did, but these inconsistencies are blatantly unfair. The video refs get things wrong as it is, let them rule on forward passes. I mean if you let them hold up the game to reverse a decision in which NSW stripped the ball, surely they can intervene in matters involving a try. I agree with Gus Gould, fuck the video ref off. Mistakes are still hapening, we are better off without them.
Should be able to? You already can. You should try strapping them to the inside of a trolley first, it helps.

PS- poseurs is for posers.

PPS-Woolies Woolies Woolies trolley
Don't go drinking too much of that shit. They had 4-packs of black V cans on sale for $5 when we were at Bathurst a few months ago so naturally I stocked up big time and downed them all in the span of a couple hours along with a whole packet of guarana/taurine supplements. Didn't feel particularly fired up but it made my piss bright highlighter yellow for days; it literally stained the porcelain of the bowl in my hotel room and almost looked like it was glowing. Thankfully no erectile dysfunction or odd bald patches resulted but still makes me think twice before cracking one open again.