What separates Katatonia from euro trash.


Aug 21, 2003
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I think its fair to say that although there are a lot fo good european bands out there, a lot of its cheesy, week or just dumb. Take Nevermore, I mean thats like some freak show from a fairy tale.

I don't want to name too many bands as it may offend, but Katatonia have that very cool cold style, I guess it looks dark, but more blue than purple?

take the My Twin Remix, I felt that was pulled of nicely, some won't like it... but they can go back to the default volume music they prefere.

This new side that I can see from Katatonia is shown well on the single (that I just got) Dissolving Bonds mixes the old and new nicely.

So I'd love to hear it from either anone in the band or fans, what makes a band which emerges from the same Euro arena of metal to sound so convincing, to argueably levels like that of Coldplay.
strangedays said:
I think its fair to say that although there are a lot fo good european bands out there, a lot of its cheesy, week or just dumb. Take Nevermore, I mean thats like some freak show from a fairy tale.

I don't want to name too many bands as it may offend, but Katatonia have that very cool cold style, I guess it looks dark, but more blue than purple?

take the My Twin Remix, I felt that was pulled of nicely, some won't like it... but they can go back to the default volume music they prefere.

This new side that I can see from Katatonia is shown well on the single (that I just got) Dissolving Bonds mixes the old and new nicely.

So I'd love to hear it from either anone in the band or fans, what makes a band which emerges from the same Euro arena of metal to sound so convincing, to argueably levels like that of Coldplay.

My god, how ignorant. Are you European?

First of all, your "great" example Nevermore ain't European.
Second, ever heard of bands like The Gathering, Anathema, Antimatter etc etc etc?

I'm not trying to make Katatonia look bad, I'm trying to point out that Europe is generally FAR away from the cheesy stuff you're implying.
/agree Cerulian

I'm from america but i'd say at least half of my favorite bands are european. To me american music, at least the really popular "MTV" kinda stuff tends to be pretty cliche, and pretty simplistic. (hoobastank and nickelback for example) I love the fact that a lot of european music is more abstract and creative.
in ireland we'v got mtv2 which is supposed to be the good one that plays alt stuff but its all kaiser chief and greenday crap. the actual mtv channel shows nothin but cribs all day long. oh and sometimes it shows jessica simpson. yum.
A Stranger said:
in ireland we'v got mtv2 which is supposed to be the good one that plays alt stuff but its all kaiser chief and greenday crap. the actual mtv channel shows nothin but cribs all day long. oh and sometimes it shows jessica simpson. yum.
Words can't express how much I hate Greenday :tickled:
State of metal 2006:

Euro metal scene>>>>>USA metal scene

Nevermore is fantastic though. There's a good collection of quality American bands but seemingly not as many as Europe boasts. Or at least the good bands are overshadowed by the rising (and extremely craptastic) hardcore/metalcore scene over here.
Nevermore were once great, the stuff they are putting out now is garbage...I don't care how many amazing reviews they have, it all sounds contrived and unconvincing anymore. A band like Katatonia experiments with ideas relating to vocals, guitars, drums, production/mixing etc... and the fact that they are obciously very talented...
95% of the bands i like are european....my cousin too so...there is no doubt that europe rule the metal...i mexican and i live in california just in case..

i dont want to talk in general but most of the people i know and seen here in the US are just...i dont know how to describe it, they listen to metal just to have a image, to show they are tough...they dont feel yhe music from the heart...besides, most of the people here listen to metalcore...
Cerulean said:
My god, how ignorant. Are you European?

First of all, your "great" example Nevermore ain't European.
Second, ever heard of bands like The Gathering, Anathema, Antimatter etc etc etc?

I'm not trying to make Katatonia look bad, I'm trying to point out that Europe is generally FAR away from the cheesy stuff you're implying.

Not ignorant, I like Anathema (but they are British!) I can't get into a sort of political debate here as I was just generalising. But im sorry, even bands like Opeth are just verging on cheese many a time with that sound they have.

I guess Katatonia never feel forced
Cerulean, what's your problem with uneducated people? Is it their fault they aren't as all-knowing as someone who's aware that Britain is a member of the EU?