What should I ask Lee?

COME ON!!! It's a tease!! Show this goddamn interview NOW, my fine Sir Russell! :lol:
I hope it's already answered. FinalLEE, huh?
P.S. not every university has something to do with gays! :proud:
Haha, uuuum, yeah :p I've typed up about four minutes of it so far, out of half an hour's worth of talking. I should have it done within the next three weeks, so you'll all just have to wait! ;)

And Windom: My gay university responsibilities only take half an hour a day :D The rest I spend doing work and not sleeping with men!

Alyona:I don't think there are bunnies that make ice cream :(

Sonm, my fine sire: I agree, Universities are fine and wholesome places to learn, and have very little to do with homosexuality!

Sir Russell! I haven't sire anybody yet!! How come you tell me I am a sire?!
You can someone a sire when he has more than 5 children... I have no kids, my fine Sir Russell:)
Sonm said:
Sir Russell! I haven't sire anybody yet!! How come you tell me I am a sire?!
You can someone a sire when he has more than 5 children... I have no kids, my fine Sir Russell:)
Good point, my fine sir! Maybe in time you shall become a sire, then I shall call you as such! :D

Alyona said:
someone should make pink bunnies that make icecream!! :D

and mister russell, hurry up with the interview
True, but I think bunnies are hard to train. And pink ones are quite rare as well!

And Miss Alyona, I'm doing the interview as fast as I can, believe me :p But there is quite a bit to write up and I have over 30 hours of lectures a week!

So ner, you'll just have to wait! :dopey:
Russell said:
Good point, my fine sir! Maybe in time you shall become a sire, then I shall call you as such! :D
I have over 30 hours of lectures a week!
So ner, you'll just have to wait! :dopey:

Dear Sir Russell! I won't become a sire in time as I don't want to have more than 10 kids. I was mistaken, Your Order, and claimed that one can be called a sire if he has more than 5 kids. Forgive me. Poor me, as I am too tired with my physics. I must admit a sire is a good name for ones, who have more than 10 kids. Agreed?
And about lectures - do you teach or are you taught? Well, 30 hours is just slightly more than one day. What do you do in the rest of your time then? :err:
So we want the interview! :headbang:
No g-modified pink bunnies with plastic ice cream, just the interview!! :headbang:
:headbang: MAKE INTERVIEW, NOT WAR!! :headbang:
:headbang: GIVE US LEE'S ANSWERS! :headbang:
:headbang: Windows SUCKS! :headbang:
:headbang: WE WANT THE INTERVIEW! :headbang:
:headbang: GIVE IT TO US GODDAMN NOW! :rock
Sonm said:
Dear Sir Russell! I won't become a sire in time as I don't want to have more than 10 kids. I was mistaken, Your Order, and claimed that one can be called a sire if he has more than 5 kids. Forgive me. Poor me, as I am too tired with my physics. I must admit a sire is a good name for ones, who have more than 10 kids. Agreed?
Agreed, my fine sir! If you're tired from Physics, I don't think I fathering ten children at this precise time would be benificial to your problem!

Sonm said:
And about lectures - do you teach or are you taught? Well, 30 hours is just slightly more than one day. What do you do in the rest of your time then? :err:
I am taught, I'm afraid kind sir. Still a year or two to go before I can do a PhD :) Tis a shame, I have other things to do when I'm not in lectures; sleep at night, do work for sed lectures (for example, I really need to get my arse in gear and start trying to do my maths!), practicing instruments, band practices, doing UM stuff (there is lots besides Mr Barrett's interview to be done!), background reading, other reviewing and every now and then hanging out with friends! Anyway, it is one oclock in the morning, and I'm about to continue writing up the interview, is that not dedication, my fine chap?


Sonm said:
So we want the interview! :headbang:
In tiiime my impatient non-sire! :wave:
Sir Russell! I really appreciate what you are doing! May your hand never be stopped by G(r)ay Forses!
Good Luck!
Sonm....how would you like to give me russian lessons and freshen up my memory of the language a bit? haven;t spoken it in 6 years now, and I kinda suck at it......and read like a 3 year old :s....tiss bad Sire :p
Lessons of russian? Why do you need it? Who in GB needs russian?? Come on! First of all the board is not a good place for that, second of all I don't have much time, third of all I love and respect my language and I reckon one should either speak correct language or shouldn't speak at all. And moreover, English is more convinient, a lot of people speak it and even more have it as a second language. Can you say the same thing 'bout russian? No! Then what would be the use of this freshening up? :)
The last thing I'd like to type - the one who wants to remember shall never forget...