You could ask Gonzo or Heartless... BUT WHY NOT ASK A TROLL?

Question for Keith:


because unfortunately, we might piss on your face. Sorry, but we have naturally weak bladders and it's kind of the new running joke going around for trolls anyways. The whole thing goes, you ask question, we pee on your face, you get mad, we tie you up and make you watch as we sex your wives, you get furious, whole tribe pee's on your face, you die of bacterial infection in the eye, whole tribe laughs and we have celebration.
I never thought it was that funny, but in the moment apparently it's a blast.

Mr. Troll Master:

How does a polar bear know what apples is?


Polar bears don't know shit. They are dumb and suck at the game of life.

cept these ones


i heard the movie sux but the polar bear armour fight is gr1m.

Shut the fuck up. K? K. Threads around get hijacked like nobodies fucking business.

Dear Keithtroll,

What is your method of transportation of choice?

He's right you know.

hahah what a question. Other than the obvious?





Why are trolls hairy?

same reason french women are. (france, not quebec... (as a side note i am moving to montreal in september))

See my previous post.

I have this weird lump on the inside of my right leg. Should I be concerned?

SAVE IT, TAKE CARE OF IT!!!!!!!!!! FEED IT!!!!!!!! IT COULD BE AN EXTRA PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

┼Victim of the Night┼;6848262 said:
Hi Keith,

who am I? I don't know it anymore, honestly.

You are one of the more forgiving and easy going members of this forum. For how many times i've asked for bobz, you still are not completely grossed out. I think. You are a gr1m and tr00 Italian.


Boobz? :lol:
Keith, do you want to see my boobs?

of course. lolz rock hydra... you make me blush.:blush:

Keith, how can someone be (un)banned twice??

A fine balance between epic trollery and mod dick suckage. :yuk:

Did you pay 1000 gold for your epic mount?!

No i married this girl on wow and we pooled our finances, i skipped oggrimmar and moved to undercity taking the money with me, then bought the epic mount, along with a bunch of herbs from t3h auktion h0us3.
I would play it like this (from the very beginning)...

3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 - 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 - 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1 - 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4 - 5, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 - 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 - 3

Groupings are in 6ths.

Sorry, it might look confusing :lol: