What should i do with my $100?


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
i was gonna get a game (Ghost Recon Gold Edition) but all the copies in Australia are faulty (i've already returned one and found one to be faulty on examination at Harvey Norman and im about to take back another copy tomorrow).

any games in mind?

my system specs are:
pentium 4, 1.8ghz, 224 mbs of ram, sis 650 rev 00 32mb what ever display thingy (standard graphics thing i think), direct x 9.a.

would that handle GTA3 on pc?

or i was thinking about getting music but i don't know, im leaning more to the games because that's what i saved it up for.
[color=#AOEOOA]Would it handle GTA3

Well the specs for GTA3 are basically

450 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
96 MB of RAM
4 speed CD / DVD drive
700 MB of free hard disk space
16 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

And from what you'ver just said you pass everything besides the video card since I'm not sure what MB video card you have. It's about a 90% chance that you do have better than 16MB

You should have more than 16 though. My PC is fairly old and it has 32MB video card (64 in a few days hopefully).

So you should be able to play GTA3 on PC.

Even if GTA:Vice City is a better game than GTAIII. :D[/color]
GTA III is a MASSIVE system hog though, id check out a demo first if possible, or make sure you patch it up to whatever version its up to now :)
[color=#AOEOOA]Spawny the thing with GTA using a fair bit of memory isn't that much of a problem since you don't really do anything while playing the game.

WinXP is a massive system hog ith a million processors which aren't really needed which massively slow everything right down, unless you scale everything right back or have a top of the line PC.

Playing GTA:VC or III on PS2 is harder, its just too much difficulty to use that damn joystick thingy to aim. The mouse is so much easier. Plus less loading times than PS2[/color]
Its not just the memory though, it uses everything and the conversion from the PS2 game was shoddy to say the least, if you have the power to get the gaming running with a smooth frame rate its awesome, I was just warning him thats all :)
Medal of Honour shits all over gta3, never play games that are ported off a console, especially a ps2. It'll look shit because ps2's have no texture compression and the aiming is crappy. If you want a game like that but better, get Mafia.
ok so i went back to the 2nd store to return teh faulty game and the guy gave me another GR Gold and guess what? IT WORKS!!! HURRAH, AFTER GOING THROUGH 3 COPIES IN ONE WEEK I FINALLY COME ACROSS ONE THAT ISN'T FAULTY!!! YAYYYY :)
wel la de da :lol:..you shoulda started it spending by first buying Sepultura 'ROORBACK' then by Buyinh Marilyn Manson 'THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE' for both those albums rocketh greatly