what song are you currently addicted to?

V5, please correct the spelling in the thread title. It's bothering the hell out of me.
Dissection-Unhallowed is quite possibly the best Dissection song, and one of my favorite songs ever. Dissection is incredible. Possibly the greatest.
For some reason, I am currently addicted to Finntroll's - Helvete. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this but it sure as hell is a swinging tune.
Hello, I'm Bob.

I've been addicted to Agalloch - Hallways of Enchanted Ebony for about two years off and on. I just had a replase and am currently listening to it again. I need to call my AA officer (Agallohics Annoymous)
Finntroll - everything off of Ur Jordens Djup, especially Korpens Saga

and i've loved these songs for some time, but lately i've been playing the shit out of them.
Reverened Bizarre - Cromwell
Gorgoroth - An Excerpt of X, When Love Rages Wild In My Heart
Primordial - The Burning Season
The Pogues - Dirty Old Town
Bathory - Wheel of Sun
Venom - Prime Evil

amongst others... :kickass:
I've been trying to fill in a lot of older music I missed out on either because I was too young, or I never heard of them. Lately I've been filling in old Scorpions tunes and Manowar- a band I never heard of until recently.

Right now it is Scorpions- In trance

but really, I listen to too much variety for me to get hung up on one song. But this song has the most play on itunes on my comuter for the past 3 weeks or so.
Black Sabbath's "Tomorrow's Dream" has been running through my head non-stop for the past couple of years.

I rarely play it. I don't need to. It lives in my head.