What song from each Children of Bodom album do you think is the best?

Lake Bodom: doesn't get more bodom than this song
Children of Bodom: excellent pacing, mood swings, and solos
Bodom After Midnight: There isn't a part of this song I don't love
Angels Don't Kill: I can get into this song like very few others
In Your Face: I shit myself every time I hear it live
Banned From Heaven: A great modern COB ballad
Not My Funeral: A modern COB epic that I thoroughly enjoy start to finish
Something Wild - touch like an angel of death
Hatebreeder - Wrath Within
Follow The Reaper - Northern Comfort
Hate Crew Deathroll - Tripple corpse hammerblow
Are You Dead Yet? - In Your Face
Blooddrunk - Roadkill Morning
Skeletons In The Closet - Bed of Nails
Relentless Reckless Forever - Not My Funeral

there not there craziest shredder songs they are just my favourites :)
Something Wild - touch like an angel of death
Hatebreeder - bed of Razers
Follow The Reaper - Kissing the Shadows
Hate Crew Deathroll - Bodom Beach Terror
Are You Dead Yet? - Next in Line
Blooddrunk - Roadkill Morning
Skeletons In The Closet - Bed of Nails
Relentless Reckless Forever - Roundtrip to Hell and Back
SW: Deadnight Warrior

HB: Hatebreeder

FTR: Children Of Decadense

HCDR: Needled 24/7

AYDY: In Your Face

BD: Hellhounds (Followed by Smilex)

SW: Lake Bodom

HB: Silent Night, Bodom Night

FTR: Follow The Reaper/Kissing the Shadows/Everytime I Die

HCDR: Bodom Beach Terror

AYDY: Trashed Lost And Strungout/IYWPPFW

BD: Roadkill Morning/Smile Pretty for The Devil

RRF: All except WiWi
SW- lake bodom
HB- children of bodom
FTR- kissing the shadow
HC- bodom beach terror
AYDY- next in line
BD- Tie my rope
SITC- hell is for children
in the shadows
children of bodom
follow the reaper (tough choice...)
hate crew deathroll
we're not gonna fall
banned from heaven

and i havent decided on rrf yet. its b/w nmf, sko, rthab, or rrf

edit - hmmm, from sitc, id have to say...dont stop at the top
Touch Like Angel of Death
Towards Dead End
Children of Decadence
Trashed, Lost & Strungout
Tie My Rope
Shovel Knockout
  • Are You Dead Yet? (Are You Dead Yet?)
  • Children of Decedance (Follow the Reaper)
  • Ghostriders in the Sky (Skeletons in the Closet)
  • Black Widow (Hatebreeder)
  • Lake Bodom (Something Wild)
  • Bodom Beach Terror (Hatecrew Deathroll)
sadly, i haven't heard anything off of Blooddrunk or Relentless Reckless Forever yet so i have no input for either of those :(