What state in the US has/had the best scene/bands?

Hmm....For the local scene, I'd say Texas is very nice! :) For the bigger names the East Coast has lots of good stuff...Flordia, SC, New York, etc.
IOWA!!! heh jk... only new metal comes from iowa... Slipknot & Idexcase too bad they suck... i do like cephalic carnage... but they are from colorado
although i live in north cackilacky, my home away from casa is norfolk va, that place always brings the best underground acts, springfield too, the norva in norfolk and jaxx in springfield,
Best Thrash Metal: California (Metallica-early, Megadeth, Death Angel, blah blah blah)
Best Deathmetal: NY by far, then Florida-California ect.

The scene up here in Seattle sucks my ass. We have one decent active DM band I think. Infester kicked ass, but they weren't around long and their album was about 9 yrs ago. Mostly all we have up here are Nu Metal acts, and Temple of the Dog and Nirvana clones; with scattered pile of shit "hardcore" bands.