what the fuck is this forum comming too

thanks, and I'm really flattered, but there are many others at least as talented sharing at least as much.
Feels good to know it's appreciated, but I just wanted to say that people like Ermz, Glenn, Lolzgreg, Machinated, Morgoe etc (and others!) are contributing as much and are all very talented engineers....don't make me the symbol for that, lol.

Woah, I'm a n00b here and now I'M flattered.

I have to say there are A LOT of great people on this forum as well as talented people.

I really agree that there should be a GIGANTIC sticky on the top for new posters:


The Andy Sneap forum is a COMMUNITY full of individuals who love audio engineering and metal music like it is their first born child. If you want to be respected here, treat people with respect and like humans, not like sources of information.

I know someone (Maybe Marcus) mentioned that the search function is kinda vague and has word length restrictions, etc. and that searching google with the words andy sneap ulimate metal and then the topic they're looking for is useful (it has been for me). Is there any way to fix our search function here to make it more useful?

I really was intrigued by the wealth of knowledge on this forum and Glenn (OzNimbus) actually helped me get my feet in the ring for acoustic drum recording. His guide is what drew me to this forum. I also saw how people really interacted here.
At the end of the day this forum was created for producers/beginners to interact and help one another.

Ive been on so many forums that just fall apart with huge arguments left right and center with a population full of tools and one thing I gotta say about this forum is that its not like that at all. Besides the learning its the one reason I come back here so often, because everybody is so awesome!
I know someone (Maybe Marcus) mentioned that the search function is kinda vague and has word length restrictions, etc. and that searching google with the words andy sneap ulimate metal and then the topic they're looking for is useful (it has been for me). Is there any way to fix our search function here to make it more useful?

Here : in Google, write this
site:ultimatemetal.com/forum/ +"Andy Sneap"
then use your keywords with boolean operators if needed (- to remove) (+ to make necessary) ("xyz" to search exact parts).

This is a temporary fix but it works great as far as I'm concerned.
Of course man, Ermz and Lolzgreg and Ed all have mountains of respect and admiration from me, I just singled you out because you're the source of au naturelle recordings on this forum, which is my personal aspiration.
jesus fucking christ, look at how much effort you guys are putting into bitching about an internet forum starting to suck...
We basically need more moderators who would be willing to lock/move/delete topics and ban people on a regular basis. IMO that's the only way a forum can run smoothly.

Some random Tom, Dick or Harry can walk in and shoot "How Do Use Compressor" without being aware of the fact that people would expect them to use the search function and/or google. It's natural.


jesus fucking christ, look at how much effort you guys are putting into bitching about an internet forum starting to suck...

Why not fuckin do it instead of blabbering away aka wasting time?

Help is only a PM away if they care.
i discovered this forum thanks to my friend Erik (Dandelium)

you cant possibly imaging how much i thank you all for the knowledge i´ve got from this forum

but i think this forum need more moderation

lately i have seen a lot of 2-3 year old threads bumped by newbies
there is one user that in 1 year the only thing i seen him do is ask for pod presets
and ask the person if they recorded using SPDIF - USB- LINE in the pod ...
seriously...in EVERY FUCKING POST.
I think that alot of good topics go undiscussed because people are more concerned with impulses , pods and superior drummer. More people need to start micing drum sets, and guitar cabs. disscussion would be alot more interesting, and people would get good at their craft.

like people would rather just load a preset than try to create that sound themselves.

this has been said before by everyone else, and I agree 100 percent.

so many stupid questions get asked, that should just be fucking common sense, then it ends up being a 5 page pwn fest full of internet tough guys and smart asses. people need to start doing some comparisons of shit themselves, rather that asking if we think a technique will sound good.

Also, I think that some of us have kind of outgrown the forum. I feel as though I have learned most of the common knowledge around here, so i mainly just check up for metal news (like new bands, albums being released, interviews) gear related news ( like new equipment and software) to chat with some other AE`s who share a very geeky sense of humor with each other, and to ask others who have similar gear with workarounds, or solutions for technical issues.

but, im not really looking to find out whether parallel compression will sound good on bass, I will just fucking try it and decide for myself.
Should have a POD/Impulse/Amp Sim catagory so everythings in there, so anybody that dosen't have much interest in that kinda thing can browse freely! Where as the people that do have it all in one tight little bundle of love :)
but, im not really looking to find out whether parallel compression will sound good on bass, I will just fucking try it and decide for myself.

So where did you learn about parallel compression in the first place? Probably from somebody who was also sick of talking about it.

Meh... I think you're all over-reacting. It's a fucking forum. Don't like it? Go have a wank.
none of this is my fault!!!!!!!!
i try to make interesting topics, but they are usually asking for tips about somethin unrelated to metal... heh. ive learned alot from this forum. even if its something you already know but see it in action from another user, it could inspire you to be better at said technique or what have you.
I think that alot of good topics go undiscussed because people are more concerned with impulses , pods and superior drummer. More people need to start micing drum sets, and guitar cabs. disscussion would be alot more interesting, and people would get good at their craft.

yea, but when it comes down to it, i think a lot of people are more interested in the final product than they are how to get there - and there's nothing wrong with that

those of us who do this shit on a hobby level are going to be much more likely to just want to plug into a DI, load a VST and impulse, and have great tone right there than those who are trying to do the shit for a living and really get into the nitty gritty of audio!
I just think some of you guys are spoiled. When you wanted the answer it was ok to ask the question. Now that you know the answer, any time anyone asks the questions, so many people just freak out and act like its the end of the world to ask and then complain the forum sux.

also dont ever ask a question that has a similar thread somewhere from months or years ago. you get pointed to go search for it like a kid getting sent to the corner to ponder what he did wrong or dog getting sent outside like he shit on the carpet.

same with the rate my mix. I posted one once and got chastised for posting it in the incorrect section. couple days later one of the people who chastised me did the exact same thing but no one peeped a word cause he is famous.

this forum is a great place for knowledge for the most part, quite a few cool guys, but alot of guys are all one way about it. if it is helping them, its cool but if someone else asks, kill that guy for asking.

and dont ever like a band that may be questionable. there will be hate threads for months about that band and why you suck for liking them and why those musicians must die.

my point is that it may get stale because you know a lot now from using the forum. but new members who stay that haven't got ran off from the holier than thou attitudes, still have questions too that are just as worthy as yours were when you first asked. Obviously you haven't learned it all or sneap, murphy, richardson and joey would be competing with your for jobs.
I agree that every question should be treated the same no matter who asks it. But I also think since there is a search function that people should try and atleast attempt to use it. That goes for anyone even the guys who have been here for years.

I just wish people were a lot more respectful to each other. I notice a lot of the time you will see someone say "that sounds horrible" and then they claim its constructive criticism. Its not very constructive if its put forth in a hurtful manner. Most of the time that just drives people to be more likely to give up. Who wants to be that kind of influence on a persons life? "Just give it up bro, no need to try and do something with yourself....", yeah thats a real way to have a positive influence on someone's life.
all this forum needs is another subforum for EVERYTHING modelling, impulse, dfh related.....that way people could be helped much better AND the forum wouldn't be flooded with the 20.000st "7170+impulses"-thread.
people posting about impulses etc outside of that subforum get warned and then banned.
I know, said subforum would get bigger than any other subforum, but I'd so love if this could happen.

please don't reply with "not everyone is lucky enough to afford API and a recto"...well, of course not, but this is a forum for producers (at least it used to be), you won't go to a forum for professional formula1 drivers asking for advice how to succeed in the latest racecar computergame or complaining "not everyone can afford two sets of tires" when someone says "you'll need different tyres for wet asphalt".
if you wanna know how to play that computergame or how to pimp your volkswagen just go to the matching forums....
sounds harsh, but this is how I feel, I've teared my ass open to make a living in this business, I've risked MUCH when I chose this job, I've spent LOTS of money and time learning and improving my skills AND gear.
It annoys me if someone says "you're lucky you can afford all those things!"...I can't..it's called priorities and this is my job....
if you only have revalver and a cracked version of cubase don't open a fucking studio!
/rant :)

I mean, all these tools like impulses etc are great and it's cool that stuff like that is traded and tought here, but why not make a seperate subforum for the "hobbyists"?