what the fuck is this forum comming too

I think the problem isn't so much the forum, but people's expectations of it. The way it functions now is fairly normal - when I joined a few years ago, it was pretty atypical of most places.

A forum is a place for discussion - a chance to talk about things you know and exchange ideas etc. Yet a lot of the people act like there are only certain ways of doing specific things, and it was worse for that when I first found the forum a few years ago. People would come on, ask a question, get one answer and take that as fact; the cab micing, C4 settings, POD settings, drum samples, etc. Now, new people come on and try to discuss things, and they get shot down if they don't agree with the forum's standards - you have to use a SM57 on a cab, you can't get good results with impulses, you have to replace the kick.

When I first came on here I posted some of my recordings and I got some really useful tips, specifically about my recordings. I don't bother now because I know all I'd get is people saying it doesn't sound like 'Clayman'/'Stabbing The Drama'/whatever - I wouldn't get opinions on my work, or suggestions to improve the sound I've created; I'd get completely irrelevant comparisons to other people's work.

The whole Adam D Micing thing is a great example. When I first started recording stuff, I took a microphone and stuck it in front of an amp. Then I moved it about lots until it sounded best for what I was trying to do. Then I read up about placement in engineering books to learn about it in more depth and understand why positions sound like they do. One of the first things I read was a PDF on Shure's website (ya know, thems people what makes the microphones) - and the first things it says about micing a cab was to put the mic 6" from the grille for the most natural sound. That was pretty much what I'd found from doing it myself too. And yet when it comes up here, it was like someone had suggested the best tone would come from sticking the microphone up your own arse whilst doing a handstand. Even people that have been here a long time and produce great sounding tones reacted like they'd never bothered to try anything other than mic-on-the-grille (a-la Sneap).

Basically, if someone asks "How do you mic a cab?", the answer here is always the same - either a single SM57 on axis moved until it sounds good an or angled pair blah blah blah - whereas the actual answer should be "if you put it here, you'll get this type of sound; moving it here will add A but mean less B" and so on.

A lot of this forum is now just vicarious elitism - people stating one technique as fact because that's how someone they like does it. Yet bizarrely, when people arrive asking for GuitarHack's impulses/Solo C settings/etc., they get moaned at for looking for an instant fix rather than learning the trade. The hypocrisy of it is maddening. Most of the people that join up now do so because they think they'll get told exactly how to sound like Andy Sneap - and they think that because that's the impression casual visitors get when they see a forum that only has one way of doing everything.

If you want it to be a more productive (and I guarantee friendly) place, everyone needs to be more open-minded to techniques, and more experimental with their own work. The problems you're all talking about have been created because the forum has got more and more narrowly focused and less and less open to alternatives methods.

I kind of feel like I'm one of the 'bedroom guys' getting talked about. I always want to get better, and would much rather be learning A LOT more, but I think a lot of my threads where I post a recording and am asking for help are quite often ignored by many because my stuff doesn't sound anywhere near as good as some of the awesome stuff posted here.

Sure I use impulses a fair bit, but I'm never really fishing around for the new ones all the time or looking for presets for the digital Nick Crowd stuff (my latency is so shit I can't really use them). I'm usually just posting a recording with a particular problem like "any ideas to help me tame this bass tone" and it gets overlooked often.

This is why I said I often just use this forum to browse for well produced stuff and download it to listen to for enjoyment, rather than learning new things, because so many people here have amazing talents, and I find it hard to tap into the knowledge because they are either using gear totally different to me, so I find it hard to gain general ideas from their threads, or a lot of my threads don't receive the attention I would like, and various viewpoints to help me out.

I will say though, that Marcus consistently listens to my stuff and gives me good advice on a regular basis, so thanks to him. :)

I'm not really too worried about the forum though. I think it is the best forum I have ever been a part of...there are hardly any real dickheads around and there is a huge wealth of talented people, but I do agree that there is a lot of focus around 'presets' and the quick fix kind of recording where people can just track and use presets and not have to listen to what is happening in the mix as much.
I absolutely know I'm a bedroom producer/musician and could care less if that's what I'm considered. We can't all be pros and quite frankly I already have a profession that supports me, my family, and this, for me, hobby and I'm happy being a hobbyist, but why is that a bad thing? For me, it's all about creating music first and foremost - music production allows me to put my emotional and creative muses into something permanent, something that hopefully I will someday feel meets my perfectionist ways to share with others.

Coming here has given me new ideas to try out for myself and I think it's important to learn through trial and error, not to just take what you read in print and on these forums as the only way of doing things - if there was only one way of making music, it would be pretty boring and not worth doing in my eyes. Regardless of the technologies involved, making and listening to music is an emotional outlet and excercise.

This forum is what it is, like all communities, they grow and change regardless of individual desires or goals. Personally I can filter through what I want to read and what I don't so I find something useful here each and every day and if not I look to other resources since like music, music production can be done many, many ways.
I agree with a lot of what was said in this thread.
+1 invite only
+1 for moderator
I motion for Ahjteam to moderate. Since, Andy is too busy.
But, I still love this forum and even though I doubt I will ever make enough money on recording to support myself. If I go to one forum a day it is this one. Just for the hope that after I get done with my job, I might find an occasional post or thread that I can learn something. And it still does happen. I could post a hundred comparison clips to prove how much I learned from this forum, but, now I am afraid if posted even one someone would jump down my throat. So even though I look at this forum a lot I am rarely logged in... I just hope no one considers me to be one of the ones to post stupid shit. Which I doubt, because I am pretty careful of not wasting others time.:)
Dodo, I don't want to just call you out for no reason, but this is exactly what I see.

You've been on this forum for less time than 90% of the people that are posting in this topic. Yet, you're going to "break it down" for everyone? Of anyone here, you use this place like it's your play-yard. 2700 posts in a year of jokes and shit. I mean your sig alone is a testament to that. Almost a whole page to just draw attention to yourself? Is it necessary. It makes the forum harder to read.

I'm not gonna argue back and forth. Just saying that it's "the pot calling the kettle black".

a more than fair comment
im totally addicted to posting on this forum to be fair, but my sig really does need toning down, ill do it in the morning when im sober ^^
thanks, and I'm really flattered, but there are many others at least as talented sharing at least as much.
Feels good to know it's appreciated, but I just wanted to say that people like Ermz, Glenn, Lolzgreg, Machinated, Morgoe etc (and others!) are contributing as much and are all very talented engineers....don't make me the symbol for that, lol.

I'd hardly consider myself on the same level as you guys.. I've yet to even get paid for my work, and I'm working out my bedroom. However I think I have improved a lot over the 2-3 years I've been doing this. I am glad to finally be moving to real drums/guitars (ty lolzgreg ^^) and it makes a massive difference. The only problem is I really don't have a place that I can build a soundproof studio to track drums and guitars and stuff.

But to be fair, when I first started, all I did was steal samples and impulses and settings and ask stupid questions and give stupid advice. And I remember instead of Slate/8505 everything was POD/DFHS. I don't really think the forum has changed a LOT, there's just more crap than before because there are more new users.
No prob for those guitars, Morgan. Sorry it's taking so long for the new ones, I haven't had time to get the amp crankin'.

On topic, I just hope that everyone can be happy here, as cheesy as it sounds.
One thing I love about this forum is that it is not moderated. And if it is, it is very mild.

However, noobs should read the stickies! Maybe there should be more stickies? Maybe there should be ONE topic about the Slate Drums for example. And I think if there would be a Slate Drum sticky there would still be new topics about them. And I think the only thing to do then is to post the link of the sticky without being impolite.

About the amp sims, maybe many noobs open topics about them because they don't know yet that impulses are... well... impulses. Maybe renaming it to "how do amp and cab sims" would be useful? Maybe adding "for dummies" would be entertaining? :Saint:

So that would make 2 new stickies that should end that trend about all the sims out there. I personally only used sims so far because I am quite inexperienced and I am not rich. :Saint: But I really love to read and see and watch people doing in the "real" way and I really think that when pros share their love, it is contagious. Kinda like when a fat guy talks about food, I get hungry. :P

And I love this forum very dearly.
And theres a bunch of shitty attitudes and just downright disrespectful shit said back and forth to each other.
I think this is the real issue.
Here is one thing I can recommend to everyone:

STFU and read.

One of the more irritating current trends is incessant posting and thread starting. There is a wealth of knowledge here if you are willing to take the time to read it. Unfortunately there are a lot of guys who feel the need to constantly make their presence felt. The issue with this is that it floods the forums with threads and leaves the flagrant poster with a complete ignorance as to why the posts are irritating to the forum. There is an 80% chance your topic has been covered.

The other advantage of the STFU strategy is it allows you to get to know the personalities, knowledge base and status of the people you are talking to. One of the major issues as of late is new members talking to established musicians/engineers/forum members as if we are all in the same remedial math class.

Well guess what? There is an extreme variety in experience, skill and achievement here and everyone would do well to learn and respect that. Of course the "beyond reproach" status that some guys have earned is equally counterproductive. The trick is to be polite and STFU if you don't have something valuable to add.

While I'm on it. RTFM. Seriously, no one is here to substitute for line6, Slate, or any other tech support. The number of questions asked on this forum where the answer is a direct link to the manufacturers website is obscene.
But to be fair, when I first started, all I did was steal samples and impulses and settings and ask stupid questions and give stupid advice. And I remember instead of Slate/8505 everything was POD/DFHS. I don't really think the forum has changed a LOT, there's just more crap than before because there are more new users.

this guy knows what he is talking about.

and egan, your post is gold as well. STFU and RTFM. that deserves to be stickied. I think everybody here has made that mistake here before, or made a stupid post, so what is with all the hate`in?

I really dont think there is anything wrong with the forum. I would really be pissed if I got banned or something. Lets have fun
I don't even really record stuff that often, I'm just here because I'm a fan of Andy's work, have a view to getting into production (taking sound production as an elective from my 2nd major next year) and enjoy the funny personalities here.

Also, this is the only forum I'm a member of where it's ok to post noodz. :blush:
I come here nearly every day, or make reference to this forum nearly every day. I have learnt a lot of theory over the years, its the practise that is harder for me. So I take what I have read and apply it in my own environment, see how I went, then send it out to the rate my mix thread, which is the only way to get 100 different ears to listen to it in their environments and give out some info as to how to make it better.

At the moment I have a silly little riff in the rate my mix thread, just to get some feedback, to see if I am getting better at applying what I have learnt here, and it has had 1 response out of 85 looks! But I am not the only one this happens to. You feel sorry for some blokes here who are trying their guts out to go from "NOOB" to "HEY IM GETTING ALL RIGHT AT THIS", posting and at times asking noobish questions, only to see that they have been answered 2-3 times with over 100 looks, yet a thread like "BOOBS" or "THIS IS MY DOG" gets 100 times more attention! If I started a thread entitled "I pooed my pants", I could guarantee it would have more looks and posts than something posted in the rate section.

Reading this whole thread, the general vibe I got was, "I remember when everyone helped each other out here" sought of thing. I think the focus needs to return to back to those days. Whether you have 15,000+ posts or 15, everyone should be treated the same. If you have time to post in the "BOOBS" thread, then a minute out of our lives wouldnt hurt to get a "noob" up and running.

Its cool that there are sections for funny shit etc, but I think this is overpowering the AE side of things. As for sigs and shit like that, that is trivial, I think the focus needs to return to healthy conversation about the craft that we love so much. I wish there was 1000 ERMZs out there. There are a few, but more would be appreciated. Every time I see a post from this guy I read it because it is always full of great information, not just a "do that" mentality.

I like the set up of the forum, but agree with most that there needs to be some other sub forums. The big one I would like to see is a suby on individual DAWS, like having an in house genius resident to answer any thing daw related to a specific DAW. With more sub forums, I could wade through the stuff that does not apply to me much quicker, learn more, get good and start helping others as others did for me. Ah, the circle of life.

I envision something like this ...........


SNEAP produced albums
MURPHY produced albums
MEMBER produced albums



Pick ups

(maybe have a 5 star rating system, where you could click on and submit)

(maybe have a 5 star rating system, where you could click on and submit)




BANDS (including Sabbat) Alphabetical order

Non related music equipment

OFF TOPIC TAVERN (for laughs, shits and giggles, whatever takes your fancy)


Its not the be all end all, but some form of structure is needed to sift through a lot of stuff that is not related to many. Then I could see resident Genius' popping up in their individual catagories, such as Marcus' knowledge on Mesa boogie recs, or Lasses knowlege on just about every bloody amp out there :), or Ermzs knowledge on a certain DAW. Then in time there would be other up and coming genius', so it would be a win win for everyone.

At the end of the day, this place is for AE. Along the way you would hope to learn, make friends and enjoy coming here. I know I have and will continue to do so, and I hope another 1000 noobs will go through the same process and transform into semi-pro or pro.

We should get together and have a special month, something like "Remember September", where some of us "seasoned pros" (Im not one yet, but would be willing to help), go out of our way to help others that are new and not so new, explaining things with accurate detail and not just a 1 line sentence, letting people pick our brains and genuinely asking for help, so that we can pass on our knowledge and get the ball rolling and in years to come, those that were helped will in turn start helping others in "September". A yearly thing like that to me would be awesome, it would mean heavy traffic and a bit of hard work for the month, but well worth it!
No disrespect, but I don't think 51 subcategories is going to address the core issues here.

Dont be afraid of the number! "51" subys is much better than sifting through thousands of posts. I honestly believe this would not take long to get use to.

If I wanted to know the answer to say, How do I change tempos within a song in protools, i would consult the manual first, google second, search engine here third and if nothing comes up that works, then i would go to the DAW OPERATIONS Sub, choose Protools and ask the question. While looking through the protools suby, I may stumble across other tips and tricks I didnt know existed. At the moment, I have to go to Production tips, sift through 100s of posts to find something thats related to tempo change, read the thread and at the end see, Oh, and I am running Cubase!

This is just my 2 cents at the moment, regarding an issue I feel thats important, and I am sure many other people will have other ideas regarding what they would think could help here. And no disrespect to you either, but the time it took to post that comment, could have been used to help someone else out, somewhere else, which is one of my points. :)
All that does is segregate the user base even more. Usually when a forum needs so many sub-sections it's outgrown 'tight-knit community' size. What we currently have is adequate. The only additions could perhaps be more generalized 'hobbyist' and 'audio professional' sections. Something similar to what GS have with Low-end and High-end gear, so that the guys who have no desires to do high-end stuff can have a forum dedicated to their needs, and the guys who are after professional advice and discussion don't have to wade through loads of 'how do get catharsis' impulses?' threads.
Dont be afraid of the number! "51" subys is much better than sifting through thousands of posts. I honestly believe this would not take long to get use to.

I actually deleted that post. Oh well, anyway I still disagree and believe it would be a logistical nightmare, but I do understand where you are coming from. Ultimately people have a hard time using the categories we have now.
I basically agree with Ermz.
All that does is segregate the user base even more. Usually when a forum needs so many sub-sections it's outgrown 'tight-knit community' size. What we currently have is adequate. The only additions could perhaps be more generalized 'hobbyist' and 'audio professional' sections. Something similar to what GS have with Low-end and High-end gear, so that the guys who have no desires to do high-end stuff can have a forum dedicated to their needs, and the guys who are after professional advice and discussion don't have to wade through loads of 'how do get catharsis' impulses?' threads.

As a whole, reading over this thread, the tight-knit community isnt that tight anymore. Every day this forum gets bigger, and along with that, the needs and wants from others is expanding. I have read the pod/superior thing, the presets and impulses thing, and I would love for that stuff to still be around (even though I dont use any of it, apart from 2.0). People will still post the same stuff, it would just be under a logical sub catagory, thats all. We can still all be tight knit in the off topic thread where we can laugh and hang some shit. In doing so, I believe this forum would attract more Genius' this way to. I would still rather travel the ANDY SNEAP>SOUND SAMPLES>IMPULSES>CATHARSIS route. :)
Believe me man, all a forum with 51 subcategories is going to do is overwhelm people.

Most of the time when your average person logs on they don't know what they're looking for. They're looking for *something*, not necessarily something specific. That's the whole idea of having a discussion forum. The things that pop up are largely random, but given the context-base of the forum (audio engineering) it is always somewhat relevant to what that person wants. When you further sub-divide that you just make shit more confusing. The very most I ever would've done is create a 'Pro Audio', 'Hobbyist Audio' and 'General Discussion' forum.

It's about efficiency. You know how we always talk about the key to great mixing being using *just* enough EQ or *just* enough verb. Well in this case try to think of it as using *just* enough sub-categories to neatly separate everything in the most efficient manner possible without creating a clusterfuck and confusing people. A forum isn't a book or encyclopedia index that you can just neatly categorize for every possible need.
I get where ya coming from, but Im not trying to go for "every single need".
I think the way it is, is a bit of a clusterfuck now, and making it more user friendly, ie, simple one worded catagories, would ease the cluster dramatically.(How that would be overwhelming is beyond me). 51 catagories is not an encyclopedia, more like a restaurant menu, or an apple iphone with its apps. It wouldnt take much for someone to post a Cubase question in Production tips, then see a suby for Cubase and post in there, one more click than usual.