What the hell is the world coming to?

Thats true, they do seem to stray from the religious image, but there are basicaly 2 reasons for this.

1. Religion doesn't sell millions of records.
2. "The Church" doesn't look kindly upon bands that are nationally known and aren't hardcore Christians.

I believe I read that POD wasn't a Christian band, just Christians IN a band. And I had no idea that Evanescense was ever known as one....

Christians against Christ is taken, I think....its been a while since I have heard the name.
bestwestranger said:
Talks have begun between myself and the "Christian" band, who have strangely described themselves "anti-religious"? Does that make sense?
It does make sense.
The idea behind that is that for a true Christian God is the only authority and that the Bible is God's inspired word which makes it the only legitimate guideline for a Christian. In contrast to that they regard "religion" as a collection of rules, guidelines and rituals that are "man made" and therefore false.
smylex said:
P.O.D. had a backdrop that was painted to look like a Christ figure, but with dreadlocks, on the tours that I've seen them on (Ozzfest and with Primus).

Evanescense was signed to a Christian label before they hit paydirt with their major label contract.
At least Evanescence was honest about their position. They could easily have lied about their conviction without a problem and it would have saved them from a lot of bashing from many Christians.
It could be for personal reasons that have nothing to do with actual musical skills at all.

I have to admit that, that sounds pretty unproffesional though.
smylex said:
Maybe, but I've also hung out with them before and we got along alright. :confused:
Sadly, that's not enough for some bands. They may be more interested in getting someone who has a certain look (image) and overlook someone with the actual ability and right sound for the material.

This makes no sense to me with the shortage of bassists in So. Cal.... :erk:
I say - based on my own past experience, if a band finds a descent bassist in So. Cal. hang on to them for dear life!
Just the fact you play bass in So. Cal. says you'll eventually find the right band for you.

I always had the best luck just going to shows and talking to people I knew in bands who knew people in bands, etc. Forget putting an ad or bothering to answer them = flakes and / or waste of time 90% of the time. I met people when I took music courses in school that I'm still in contact with (many of whom are still in bands too).
thats just wrong, but I agree with the image theory. There could also be a political reason behind it too....

I just had an audition yesterday with a couple guys that have a prog-rock band. Over the phone the drummer told me it wasn't anything special, just him and a keyboard player. I explained that I never really got into the prog scene, but was willing to try new things. He said that was cool, come on over. I got there and realized very quickly that I was in WAY over my head! For not being anything special, these two were the tightest players I had seen in a long time. The beats were in some fucked up range, like 15/16, and it moved around so much all I could do was stand there like an idiot! LOL! The keyboard guy had three rigs going at once! They played three of their songs for me, including the "heavier" one, and then asked what songs I had written. I was like, Uh, nevermind. After I packed up he told me not to worry, and if I was still interested he would burn me a cd of thier stuff to practice to. So here I sit, listening and saying WTF WTF WTF WTF in my mind........anyone know where I can get prog-rock guitar lessons?