What is the world coming to?


May 10, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
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The other day I was in town on an errand, as it happens I was sitting outside drinking some coffie and just watching people walk by. Just sitting there made me sick to my stomach, here's why: there were guys in suits walking buy, you could just see it in their eyes that they had spent a lifetime fucking people over and lying, there were two guys walking around looking like something from the latest fashion magazine, talking like rich-boy faggots, these guys have no idea what's real and what's important in life, and theyre too fucking ignorant to complain about the state of things, other people were walking by, all stuck in their little little games of life, none seeing the big picture. I could just as well have been looking at an ant colony! Is it so strange that some of us long to a different world? Is it so strange that some of us dream of vikings or magic rings? Is it so outrageus to look different, act different and think different to the point where you are constantly attacked by "normal" societey? Is this world of cheap techno and BMW's suffocating us? Are we a dying breed?
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Well personally I think we are on the rise again...
More and more people seeme to drift away from the mainstream and go their own way, I dont think its very important that people think, act and say exactly what I say, as long as they dare to go their own way...and not just follow the stream...
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I know exactly what you're talking about. This is why I don't go out much and I just stay in my room and listen to metal. :headbang:

I don't think we're dying though. There just aren't as many of us as there are of the others, and we're more reclusive. We don't need to go out and be noticed like they do. Often times some of us look like them too.
I know exactly what you mean, I had some guys giving me shit 'cos I was wearing an Amon Amarth T-shirt, it had "Save us, oh Lord...etc" on the back, they asked me if I was some kind of Anti-Christian and I told them I was.

I know the type of people that are talking about,People like that are human waste, they care not about other people, only their only twisted agendas.

I believe that the metal fans of the world should rise and take over the sanitised, god-fearing, weak society that we are told we belong to. Bleeding-Heart Liberals and left-wing Fascists run the world now...and Jews.

Metal will never die, as long as someone hates Jesus and walks against the wind, metal will never die

"We Are Few, But Strong Willed..."

NP - Amon Amarth - The Last With Pagan Blood :devil:
I know what you mean man, i think the same very offten. How ever it is much worse here than it is in Sweden. Atleast is Sweden you have some nature to go to, some forests or another place that has few people. Here in America there are people everywere. And you cant find stupider people than American people thats a proven fact.
LeoP-GREAT post, man! What you wrote there sums up my worldview to the extreme point. Mind you, I've been surrounded by rich boy faggots, pop scum and various other forms of waste for my entire life. It is not odd at all that some of us grasp for other realms. Mind you, you should know how it is living in Denmark. A spiritual wasteland. It's a beautiful little island, but all I've ever seen when living here is jealousy, bitterness and "jante lag" (which I can't say in English).¨

As for seeing the "big picture", I guess that depends on what your picture really is. We're all spiritually shallow in some way, it the White world. Empty shells, which is sad. And which is why there's an uprise of all these more or less serious alternative ways. I, for one, gather as much information as I can on European pre-Christian heathenism, earthly energies, comsic dualities etc. etc. to at least get some kind of picture of how the world inside and outside of me works. But everyone should remain critical at the same time. I, for one, always hated New Age, Wicca etc. I follow none!
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
I know exactly what you mean, I had some guys giving me shit 'cos I was wearing an Amon Amarth T-shirt, it had "Save us, oh Lord...etc" on the back, they asked me if I was some kind of Anti-Christian and I told them I was.

A few weeks ago I was wearing my Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth shirt, and this woman came up to me asking if I was an abortion protestor. "Fuck no you goofy bitch!" and I gave her the finger. :loco:

NP - Amon Amarth - Thousand Years Of Oppression
yeah, i'm so superior to everyone around me because i can make up things about their personal histories and philosophies, and then strike them down because i'm a metalhead so that means i know whats really going on and i'm a way more significant person than these everyday plebians, i'm special like that.
Well, some people think ignorance keeps all the problems away from them. If someone gets seriously injured in a car accident those people would just drive away instead of helping the injured persons.
They think it's easier to live without concerning the problems of others. I've often heard shit like "They wouldn't help me so why should I help them?!" and that makes me really sick. Of course, if nobody starts then we won't improve the situation, but these rats do not want to be the first ones.
Say hello to the social degeneration...

But it's a fact that guys listening to hiphop or techno are such assholes. They often offend you by saying something like "uuuhhhhhh...satan is here" or "look at that black dressed evil asshole". I don't care about such words, why should I? I don't wear trousers 1000 sizes too big, I don't need golden necklaces or a baseball cap. The problem is, they often hang around in gangs, so they feel fucking strong. Pick one of them in the streets and you can see shit running down his feet while he trembles his ass away...
LeoP said:
The other day I was in town on an errand, as it happens I was sitting outside drinking some coffie and just watching people walk by. Just sitting there made me sick to my stomach, here's why: there were guys in suits walking buy, you could just see it in their eyes that they had spent a lifetime fucking people over and lying, there were two guys walking around looking like something from the latest fashion magazine, talking like rich-boy faggots, these guys have no idea what's real and what's important in life, and theyre too fucking ignorant to complain about the state of things, other people were walking by, all stuck in their little little games of life, none seeing the big picture. I could just as well have been looking at an ant colony! Is it so strange that some of us long to a different world? Is it so strange that some of us dream of vikings or magic rings? Is it so outrageus to look different, act different and think different to the point where you are constantly attacked by "normal" societey? Is this world of cheap techno and BMW's suffocating us? Are we a dying breed?
Btw, how was your coffee? :D But fact and matter is, many people like to be a sheep, follow the trend, follow x fashion, buy x car because it looks good,... society still judges people by the way they look.

I have a cool story to tell. A few weeks ago, my roommate and I went to our local irish pub, i was wearing camo pants and a dimmu shirt, my thors hammer necklace and a cannibal corpse hat, my roommate was wearing a AA shirt. So, we just stand there drinking Guinness and singing along with all the irish folk songs (dubliners, clancy brothers,...) and this one guy and chick are sitting there and I could tell they were staring at us all the time. The singer asks if anybody has a request so I asked for "whiskey in the jar". These 2 started talking to us and how we like irish music that we werent the type of people to be hanging in an irish pub singing along with the singer,.... All because of our appearance. The dood said that we looked like we were gonna start a fight.... They weren't lecturing us, they were open minded and didn't misjudged us, but pointed out that most people would prob look at us like most metalheads get looked at. Anyhow, we ended up talking to them the whole night, it was their first date :D and I ended up going home with the chick's phone#.
My point is, people will always be judged by how they look, I know I am not some dumb idiot hillbilly who has never been out of town, but people tend to look at us like we are creeps or devil worshippers.
cursed_dragon said:
But it's a fact that guys listening to hiphop or techno are such assholes. They often offend you by saying something like "uuuhhhhhh...satan is here" or "look at that black dressed evil asshole". I don't care about such words, why should I? I don't wear trousers 1000 sizes too big, I don't need golden necklaces or a baseball cap. The problem is, they often hang around in gangs, so they feel fucking strong. Pick one of them in the streets and you can see shit running down his feet while he trembles his ass away...

Uh huh...I know from about 6 years of experience that 85% of all hip hoppers are judgemental pricks. Or perhaps "hip hopper" wouldn't be the right word for me to use. The majority of all baggy-panted numbnuts solely dress like that so they can be a part of the gang, something you also mentioned. So who knows, perhaps I've never met a real hip hopper? And same thing goes for pop people. I'm serious, there's a majority of them where I live. All fucking retards, and yes they're only like that when they're in groups. I don't ever think I've seen these bozo's as hostile towards someone like me when they're alone. How weak. The best part, for them, is that everyfuckingone is on their side. Surely, I bet their parents think precisely the same thing about us as their kids.
These type of people are the first ones to judge and also the first ones to get pissy when something is said about them.

As has been said before the fact that they all hang around in groups makes them feel superior. It's people like this who think, "I'll like something...If I'm told everyone else likes it" that's my problem with MTV, they tell us what is popular and good, but good is a matter of opinion.

Sheep is the word I'm thinking of.

They can't help it I suppose, it's like Christianity, they are fed it as children so they don't know any better when they grow up.
I think the best thing to do is not to look at people, because all it dose is make you pissed of.

Look at the nature or the sky to get your mind of people, i mean how is it going to help if your always mad. It dosent change anything right?
Belgar said:
...my thors hammer necklace... ...My point is, people will always be judged by how they look...

Did u know natze turned the Hammer (or Mjollnir) into a racist symbol but it doesnt have a real racist significance but some natze gets it tatooed on there arm.I think its kinda funny that its not racist symbol but they decided to give it a racist significance.. shows how smart they really are hehehe They just believe what they want to believe,ignorance is a blister.and yes people will always be judge by how they look because,well.... its called ignorance. Knowledge is power.
Patric said:
A lot of symbols are misjudged. Take the suncross, for example.

Well what is the Suncross? i do not know? Is it the symbol of some kinda of organization? id appreciate any info,u c my brain wants to know and remember all kinda of weird stuff... :)