I have a cool story to tell. A few weeks ago, my roommate and I went to our local irish pub, i was wearing camo pants and a dimmu shirt, my thors hammer necklace and a cannibal corpse hat, my roommate was wearing a AA shirt. So, we just stand there drinking Guinness and singing along with all the irish folk songs (dubliners, clancy brothers,...) and this one guy and chick are sitting there and I could tell they were staring at us all the time. The singer asks if anybody has a request so I asked for "whiskey in the jar". These 2 started talking to us and how we like irish music that we werent the type of people to be hanging in an irish pub singing along with the singer,.... All because of our appearance. The dood said that we looked like we were gonna start a fight.... They weren't lecturing us, they were open minded and didn't misjudged us, but pointed out that most people would prob look at us like most metalheads get looked at. Anyhow, we ended up talking to them the whole night, it was their first date

and I ended up going home with the chick's phone#.
My point is, people will always be judged by how they look, I know I am not some dumb idiot hillbilly who has never been out of town, but people tend to look at us like we are creeps or devil worshippers.