What the hell is wrong with our songs ? or is it just me ?...

Thanks :)

I'll try adding more reverb,
i compress shit of these vocals, eq and then add reverb and some delay on the backing vocals
I can't remember the chain exactly but there is quite a lot going on

I'll try pulling out some frequencies like you've said TFOTH :D
what's the chorus gonna do on the vocals ?

nothing's gonna happen until next week probably i'm currently busy with other stuff right now

No problem for the raw tracks but only when the demo is released. And i don't know how to share it:erk:

EDIT: I've finished mixing the snare again i'm pleased with it :)

I'm using snare samples from Erkan's library : 50% Andy sneap 00 snare, 80% Chris adler snare found on the forum, and i've just tried putting 20% of Z4 (room mic) Sense snare crack 1 (again from Erkan's library) it gives more presence and depth :)

then it's EQ, compression, then transient (dominion), Gclip and finally reverb it's sound a lot better !

Here's a quick clip done at home with the same mastering process, same guitars and drums but with the modifications, no bass, no vocals

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21142764/Sins Remain Home Clip Mastered 22.mp3
Still Dry ? should i put more reverb or more of that Z4 room sample ?
so it is better but how can i really make it sound great ? :confused:

yes the hihat is panned wide as fuck :p

i kinda like it like that but you're probably right i should pull it in a bit.
I would put a bit of verb on it...but don't drown it.
Either that or a bit more of that room.
2 things to try would be a gated verb (popular in the 80s, think In The Air Tonight) or an impulse reverb.
That was a stupid question i tend to ask too much instead of just trying out myself :erk:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21142764/Sins Remain Home Clip Mastered 33.mp3

I also noticed i eq'd too much out of the cymbals they have a much better color now !

Tell me what you guys think about that :)

Getting much better.
Still something about that snare that bugs me. Maybe too much verb?

:wave: I tend to tweak a lot, sending 9 to 10 different versions of a mix to a client before I mix the whole album. Sorry :muahaha:

What impulses are you using?
I'm just using waves rverb with gated 2 preset and then changing the time to 1.00 and the predelay to around 6.00. The snare is sent to an aux with the reverb in it, then eq the reverb (just hp/lp).

I've reduced the amount of reverb back as it was, (since it's not the same reverb, this one is sounds better for the snare) i find there's too much, and added a bit more room. But i feel like i'm losing that in your face type of snare...

Aslo tweaked the kick, the hi hat again and also the mastering chain, i think it's better overall. :)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21142764/Sins Remain Home Clip Mastered 44.mp3
Thanks :)

after thinking about it i took off the snare room sample and added a tiny bit of reverb and tweaked the mastering chain again,
I think it's pretty good now !

Also went mad with gclip, such a great plugin ! And backed up a bit with dominion i think i've achieved that in your face style.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21142764/Sins Remain Home Clip Mastered 66.mp3

But i couldn't get as near as this snare :(

And finally i've come up with two different mastering chains :

1. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21142764/Sins Remain Home Clip Head Takers Mastering 1.mp3

2. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21142764/Sins Remain Home Clip Head Takers Mastering 2.mp3

Which one do you prefer ? :)

The second one seems wider and a bit brighter, i prefer this one
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The first one is better.
The second one excites some frequencies in the guitars that are still very harsh sounding.

A lot of his sound has to do with the snare he's using.
Let me hunt around and find a good one.
Okay then i'll just reduce the exciter on the high band frequencies,

I already searched and i'm using a sample from mapex or chris adler's signature i don't know, but it does sound quite like his snare. It's one of the samples i'm using actually ;)

Now it's 60% Andy sneap 00 snare, 90% Chris adler snare found on the forum

I've tweaked the dominion plug again it's got more of that (whack!) without saturating or making a weird noise

Here (not mastered) : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21142764/Drum Comparison.mp3

If you can find some better ones i'm not the one who's gonna say no :D

thanks for helping me out !
Where did you find it man i'd like some of dat !