What the hell is wrong with our songs ? or is it just me ?...

yeah i noticied that only afterwards... but that huge snare alone bugs me, i don't know why, i'll have to try out some other stuff.

What do you think of the vocals ? Just some minor eq cuts here & there and added a dash of chorus :)

in my vocal chain i use, ssl eq lead vox -> a first comp (a copy of the cla-2a) -> Rvox -> A 2nd comp (copy of the cla76) ratio of 4, long release, attack not fast or long (at 12 o'clock) -> then L1 -> Then i got a very good plugin called Decapitator to crank it up a little, get some warmth and that in your face feeling ! then just yesterday did the cuts with Q10 then added metalflanger with a chorus effect
Hi me again i've done a lot of mixing lately and i'm gonna post a new thread with a whole song mixed by me just to start fresh again.

I really want to thank you guys for helping me, couldn't of done it without you :kickass: