What Time is it? Time for a new live album?!


New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2010
First off I would like to get some opinions, see what you guys think. I for one think that despite being "sloppy" for a few years, Alexi played his best year in 2009, even nailing Kissing the Shadows in Montreal and the whole band overall just absolutely kicked ass! Anyone agree?

Secondly, I think now is a good time for a live album :D Because mainly I would buy it twice!

And thirdly, Alexi for G3!!!
What would Laiho play at G3? If it was an Bodom, it'd just be instrumental versions of the songs he plays everyday...

Sioux City Sarsaparilla could be an option, but I don't think he's really got enough suitable material to even be considered. He needs to do a solo album first...:D
I know that G3 is the name of a famous german weapon which really kicks ass but what is it really?

I hope you're not joking :D It's like a show thing with Joe Satriani and Steve Vai and they invite a guest musician so they can jam together on live stage.
From what I gather from it it is where the 3 top guitarists of a generation tour together, showing off how awesome they are and beating the crap out of each other with their guitar skills...pretty awesome :D


Laiho could just make a conglomerate of his favorite solos, that would make for a helluva show! Better than what has been put up in the past probably..I mean Steve Vai is great and all, but his shit isn't much...Joe Satriani is just awesome, but its not metal. And Yngwie Malmsteen is another guy that just melts fret boards, but hes called "repetitive"! I mean shit guys, Herman Li got in one time...

And to add, Alexi Laiho's reputation in the guitar jockey world is terrible, but the guy is arguably the fastest guitarist alive today and a great metal composer, the guys gotta go out and start showing these assholes up! Btw I came to the conclusion about the fastest thing by checking most or all of his tabs, and yes, he is faster than Yngwie Malmsteen by a hair, but Malmsteen's stamina is just incredible, how the guy's hands can move that fast that accurately without exploding is beyond me, bionic arms!
G3 is the greatest guitar concert you will ever go to.

I saw Vai, Satch, and Kenny Wayne Shepard a long time ago....Robert Fripp opened for them all. Great fucking show. After the show you run home to play your guitar as they make it seem so easy, then you realize how hard the shit they play is.

I wish I could have went when it was Satch, Gilbert, and Petrucci. I would have been in heaven.

But Vai doesn't even do them anymore so........
Vai was in 2006 and 2004 I think, 2007 being the most recent one. The great John Petrucci and Alexi Laiho man, i'm telling ya!
Vai was in all of them up until 07 or 08.

Satch has been in all of them.

The 3rd member is always rotating.

Alexi is good, but he doesn't have instrumental stuff for a show like that. Plus most people who listen to Vai and Satch don't even know who he is.

When I went it was a bunch of 30-40 year old guys. Maybe 10% of people there were younger.
Thats what im saying man, Alexi just has to pull out the solos from his favorite songs and slap it together, wallah! Hes ready for a instrumental show that will sound amazing! Plus anyway he is wanting to work on a new album, so put stuff from the new album in that mix of solos and bring metal to G3! It doesn't take a metal-head to appreciate the man's solos!
Alexi, while a great guitarist and composer, is by no means anywhere close to the "fastest guitarist alive today", but that shit doesn't even matter anyway.

More importantly, it's that you can't just play solos you've written out the the context of their songs and call it in instrumental. That would sound terrible. Instrumentals are a lot more involved. Not that he couldn't write them, he just hasn't so far. Like Mitch said, he would have to do a solo album before that.
But on that live album, if they can do what they did in Montreal 2009 in Chile...Would that kick ass or just be to much?
Alexi, while a great guitarist and composer, is by no means anywhere close to the "fastest guitarist alive today", but that shit doesn't even matter anyway.

More importantly, it's that you can't just play solos you've written out the the context of their songs and call it in instrumental. That would sound terrible. Instrumentals are a lot more involved. Not that he couldn't write them, he just hasn't so far. Like Mitch said, he would have to do a solo album before that.

I definitely agree to that.

To the live album idea......well, I'm not too sure about that!
A live DVD would be nice, but then again, the show hasn't changed that much that a new DVD would make sense at the moment. Plus, they've only released one 'real' Bodom album since the last DVD, so the setlist would probably be not too different either, so once again, for me a new live album or DVD would not make sense.
I definitely agree to that.

To the live album idea......well, I'm not too sure about that!
A live DVD would be nice, but then again, the show hasn't changed that much that a new DVD would make sense at the moment. Plus, they've only released one 'real' Bodom album since the last DVD, so the setlist would probably be not too different either, so once again, for me a new live album or DVD would not make sense.

I agree.

Although a new live DVD would be nice, there is no point ATM. CRY is good, I also have a Slayer DVD that has CoB, from the Unholy Alliance tour. I must say CoB was not on par for that DVD...at least Alexi was off....so many out of key bends and vibratos on that dvd...but hey...we're all human.

I'm hoping after the new cd is out they will do a live one from that tour, that way there will be some new shit, blooddrunk tunes and of course all the oldies. And we will get to see all his new guitars and gear.

Off topic....does anyone know a date for the new rockhouse dvd with him or is it still just sometime i nthe summer?
Actually, all this talk of solo albums makes me think Roope should do one. He's obviously a great player, probably has tons of writing skill, and put together pretty sick if he wanted. Laiho does so much composing with bodom, it'd kinda make sense if he didn't want to take the time to write all the songs for bodom, then all the songs for a solo album. But a solo album by Roope would give him a chance to put more of his own creativity on things, and I'd bet it'd be sick as hell to listen to.
Maybe they both could do one, since Roope doesn't get enough coverage yet in Bodom, and use it to build the new album?
g3 with laiho would be awsome, but forget it for now, its kinda impossible... perhaps in 10years from now. more faster would be kirk hammet there for ex.