What to get for a decent clean sound live(no amp)?


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
Ok so I'm looking for a way to get decent cleans live, without having to tote a separate amp for my clean tones. I want something that has a balanced out that can go straight to the board. I'm looking for something that's small, has eq controls, and semi-realistic speaker simulation.

Not interested in the POD stuff, been there done that. All I need is a clean amp tone, not a bunch of extra crap I won't use.

So far I've been looking at the SansAmp ParaDriver DI. Sounds good from the demos I've seen, and phantom power is a plus.

Any other options I have? If it comes down to it I'll just use my RedEye, but I really want tone shaping controls.
unfortunately i would say go with pod or maybe Axe/Fx (if you willing to shell out that kind of money). Why not just use your normal amp for clean tones?