What To Say (Behind the Song)


Electric Monk
Jan 24, 2003
Painesville, Ohio
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I've done web searches, read reviews and interviews and looked for faq's but I haven't found the inspiration behind this song. I seem to recall it being discussed in this forum, but apparently it doesn't exist anymore.

I read Ted's section in the liner notes of Tug of War that What To Say chokes him up. When I read that, I could really relate to it, in my own personal way, although not from personal experience.

At times I have had to skip this song because it tugs at the heart so much. It's really hard for me to explain the sensation, but my chest seems to...get heavy and my heart feels like it skips. I tend to think internally in terms of emotions rather than words, so I'm not sure I'm really getting the words right. I get the feeling of grief and sorrow. If there's a song that could make a me, a grown (yet immature) man cry, this is it.

Maybe this sounds corny, but it's more of a spiritual connection with the song rather than a one from personal experience.

I've always had a dream of writing poetry (ok, crying and poetry.. I'll turn in my man card), and this song is one of those things that stirs up that dream from the depths of everyday existance...another corny sounding thing I guess.

I'm rambling....

What IS so funny about peace, love and understanding?
I know what You mean. It's incredible beatiful!

I had a conversation with a friend about this song. In my eyes it's about, not the fear of dying,

but the fear of what will happen to the people close to you when you are gone.

My thoughts about the song was, does not the birth of a son/daughter, give you immortality? I've always had the idea that you've reach the highest goal in Your life when you give life to a new person.

We talked about this and I realised that almost everyone with kids are afraid of dying, not for

themselves but for their kids. Some people wont fly since they had kids and so on.

I might be wrong but in my eyes this is what the song is about. As with all songs, they reflect what we fell as person. The writer of the song may have an idea but the mark of a great song is that it's about different things for each of the listeners

First off Frank thats exactly what being a real man is about! Feeling real emotions. F%$k thinking what you have said is corny you are awesome!

Hey your all pretty close! It is pretty much about saying goodbye and taking in one last glimse of your wife and son as you leave this world or life if that's what your belief is? He is seeing there pain and loss and wanting them to know he is always with them and as the song so clearly states at the end.

I think the lyrics really tell you exactly what the song is about! Everyone can translate it however they see it to be and thats OK :)

It has been my favorite song of ours for some time!

Comatose from the new one is right there for me now too! It really gets to me! And so many people that are hearing it just lose it!

Life is amazing and yet really brutal at times! I think anyone that is really into Enchant knows this is what we are about! Real Life issues! happy and sad, the best days and the worst ones!

Thank you all for this string!
and of course.. "Know That" is the exceptionally beautiful acoustic reprise... I was amazed the first time I listened to that album and heard "What to Say" reprised at the end of the album
Yeah, as someone also pointed out above, and Ed explained in general terms, the song was about a loss of someone very close to Ted. He was just rambling on with what would cross through the mind of someone who dies suddenly because of a tumor. The song, accordingly with Ted's explanation, "had a somber without the vocals", and the vocals reaching high tone adds the counterpoint to catch the desperation this song is tinged of. You can find further details into the booklet of "Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10" special edition. Needless to say that this is one of my fave songs of Enchant ever!!! Thanx for these feelings, guys.

The first song that made me cry from the bottom of my soul was Rush's "Nobody's Hero". My dad was dying at the time, and there were lines in that song that just crushed me. Later, it was actually cathartic to listen to it. "What to Say" hit me the same way. An incredibly powerful song.

Not many artists touch me that deeply--Enchant's music has the combination of the emotional power, connection with reality, and musical prowess--just never ceases to amaze me! Guess that's why some of us go a bit loony over the albums, the tours--we want more of this great addiction. We are so fortunate that Enchant can put life's emotions and ideas into words and music. It's also refreshing to learn, from this board, that there are still some REAL men out there, yes you!
Thanks, guys!
via quiche-eating dragon
I think each of you has touched on how I feel about it. It's very personal and emotional.

The thought of having to say goodbye to my children is just a terrible thought, and I think that part of the song affects me the most. I have a 7 year son and I think of hime EVERY time I hear this song.

..And my daughter.. little girls are the most precious things every father should experience.

What's really cool about what henrik.isacsson said is really similar to what I wrote in a poem a few years back:

The desire of every man to be immortal
If only through his children
One may die gloriously
But there is no glory in death
Only waste
And sorrow

The emotions that influence me to write that poem are the same emotions that stir when I listen to What To Say.

I really love music that makes you FEEL.

ebass said:
Life is amazing and yet really brutal at times! I think anyone that is really into Enchant knows this is what we are about! Real Life issues! happy and sad, the best days and the worst ones!

I'm more inclined to think that life is unpredictable, nothing more, nothing less. I do agree with you on the passion point, feelings are what make us feel alive, the sense of it all, and the origin of our burdens and tragedies at times. If there's a good lesson to learn from those bad experiences, imo, is that life is not a steady routine and we're here to struggle and do our best. There's no tomorrow, because things can change suddenly, take profit from the good things you count on, keep them up, and try to fight to be even better than yesterday.

ebass said:
Comatose from the new one is right there for me now too! It really gets to me! And so many people that are hearing it just lose it!

Life is amazing and yet really brutal at times! I think anyone that is really into Enchant knows this is what we are about! Real Life issues! happy and sad, the best days and the worst ones!

Thank you all for this string!
Hey Ed, you 'know that' I'm with you on this! And yep, I'm one of those who lose it during Comatose....I remember feeling similarly when I first heard What to Say last year! The feelings you guys evoke are nothing short of incredible!

|ngenius, yes, life is unpredicatable a lot of the time....to me, though, not always....sure, life sends a lot of curve balls to keep us on our toes, but there are a fair amount of straight-down-the-middle lobs too.

Henrik, interesting point you brought up....had a converstion tonight with someone about skydiving....I was telling her how totally cool it was, how you feel like you're flying, etc....and her response was "Oh, I'd love to do that!!! But should I really? I have a kid....shouldn't I wait until he's 18 or something?" "Hmmm," I replied, "...can't answer that one for you!"

Frank, peace, love, and understanding are a triliogy of life's necessities! Very nice on the poetry....and naw, don't turn in that man card! Congrats on proudly carrying your HUMAN card!

Kristin, "Guess that's why some of us go a bit loony over the albums, the tours--we want more of this great addiction." - You said it! Of course I'm an Enchant addict!

So many feelings, so little time! Life is an amazing mystery!
mgirishfan said:
and naw, don't turn in that man card! Congrats on proudly carrying your HUMAN card!
Well said!

By the way, the Enchant songs that move me most in an emotional way (something Enchant are VERY good at!) are "At Death´s Door", "The Thirst" and, more recently, "Comatose".
mgirishfan said:
|ngenius, yes, life is unpredicatable a lot of the time....to me, though, not always....sure, life sends a lot of curve balls to keep us on our toes, but there are a fair amount of straight-down-the-middle lobs too.

It's frankly curious to see how americans come up with baseball parallelisms. :grin: Nice one, though. And following it, we can say that life sends us a lot and different kind of balls, randomly. As baseball players, we just can do our best to hit the fuckin' ball out of the stadium... and... well, things will end up one way or another, that's life. :)


Well we are all big fans and a few of us are actually very good ball players or where at one time before we found this calling. We aim for the bleachers and hope to at least hit the fence :)

I think all of you hit it out of the park with your amazing words and support!

We truly thank you all especailly for these posts!
ebass said:

Well we are all big fans and a few of us are actually very good ball players or where at one time before we found this calling. We aim for the bleachers and hope to at least hit the fence :)

I think all of you hit it out of the park with your amazing words and support!

We truly thank you all especailly for these posts!

Baseball rules! Thanks --- and right back at ya!! And I for one will be waiting for you to point the head of that bass to "center field" before the first note just to say where the gig is going that night!!!!
Oh yeah!!