What to Say

Hen Act

...Dropping En
Feb 26, 2004
N. Reading, MA
Now Hen Act is going to be heavy. (Had a shitty day)

BillyJ or anyone else...

"Knowing who and what the lyric is about..." referring to What to Say in the Passion thread...

I teared up at this tune without knowing specifics, it is quite powerful. I dunno if knowing more will lessen the impact of this one, but I am curious...

Actually Know That is the track that I like the most from J9D10, it is my least fave album believe it or not, but it just proves that a bad Enchant album on a bad day is better than any other good album on a good day.

BTW looking at my son's smile tonite fixed all the shit of today. Am I close to the core of this lyric (remember the little bastard prevented me from making that west coast gig--responsibility and all)

Funny you mention those two J9D10 songs. I'm 99% complete with an Enchant "best of" compilation that I've been working on, and I bookended the tracklist with those two songs (started with Know That as an intro, ended with What To Say fading out). Incidentally, I ended up piecing together songs to create a pretty coherent concept album about love, relationship disenchantment, and divorce (with that first song being an in media res starting point).

My understanding is that What To Say's voice is really that of someone who will not be around much longer due to illness. It works just as well for me as a song about a father in a marriage that's breaking up. That's the way I think of it.

Hey Hen Act,

I should really defer to Ted on this one, since it was about a relative of his.
There are several references in the lyric that on a casual listen could be taken
to be figurative, but they are actually literal references to the process of the
disease. As it progressed, I believe that looking at the picture was one of the
last things he was able to do. I had played the song with them several times,
but it wasn't until one night on our last tour that Ted explained the song to the
audience, when it really hit me what it was all about and that it was someone
he knew. I was in tears playing it that night. It's things like that that make me
sooooo grateful that tomorrow I will see my kids and get to hang with them. I
guess I should be thanking you right now for turning my perspective around - I didn't
have such a great day myself - but it's all a matter of perspective as to how bad or
good it really is.

Thanks man. Hope tomorrow is better for you too.

DT Jesus said:
Incidentally, I ended up piecing together songs to create a pretty coherent concept album about love, relationship disenchantment, and divorce (with that first song being an in media res starting point).

My understanding is that What To Say's voice is really that of someone who will not be around much longer due to illness.
That's how I've always interpreted it...the concept album idea is interesting, what is the order you came up with? Enchant is one of the best bands at handling such personal subjects in their lyrics...
Thats what i've always found special about a lot of the bands lyrics. Maybe I might not know the specifics on why or what the song was written specifically about. But it can take on different meanings to different people. I can always identify with a song even if the lyrics dont point directly at me......and i can imagine how i'd feel with a child of my own......and just to be in that situation is enough to bring tears to my eyes.
Just as in 'Sinking Sand' Ted brings things that are all to real and emotional to the lyrical table. Very personal
A wonderful characteristic of Enchant songs is that they are so open to interpretation. What to Say was one of the first Enchant songs I heard. I felt it was about relationships/marriages busting up. I was divorcing my husband at the time, relieved for myself, but afraid my daughter would lose her relationship with her father. Things happened, and she stopped speaking with him. As satisfied as I was with the divorce, THEIR breakup broke my heart.

When I read of Ted's reason for creating What to Say, it added yet another facet to this emotional gem of a song. When my dad was dying, one of the last things he did was look at pictures of my then five year old daughter and I saw him cry for the first time in my life. He could reassure us that we'd all survive his death, but I don't think he himself could deal with the possibility of his granddaughter not remembering him, and the fact that he'd never know her.

Little miracles do happen--I've since discovered that yes, the people who pass on are still with us; yes, five year olds do remember and DO cherish the memories; and yes, love does prevail. Many of Enchant's songs provide a real catharsis for us. (Hmm...that would make a great song!!!!)

My little epilogue: My daughter began talking with her dad a few weeks ago, they hang out together again, and we invited him to the Enchant show. I can't tell you how wonderful it was for me to see my kid and her dad together at that show, totally connecting again...how can I describe it? It's another kind of happiness. So as many of you are celebrating your happiness (Ze Dan and Dustin getting married, oops, not to each other of course-congrats!!) and Mare and Dave being married in one post, but actually about to be? (we hope--great couple!!) I have the absolute joy of telling the world that my daughter and her dad are together again. She'll have a well-rounded musical education--singing along with Enchant when she's with mom ('they didn't play Beautiful, Mom!") or Slayer with her dad ("Dad's cool--he likes Slayer!"). By the way, he LOVED the gig, and would like you to sell an Enchant pin...

Life is good...enchanting!

via dragon whose mistress is on really strong cold med that is probably like having two guinesses...so forgive her emotionalism...:dopey:
I love how almost all of Enchants songs have some sort of "deeper" meaning that isnt immdeately apparent. Take "Monday" for instance...that song touches me somewere, because its seems to be (to me at least :p ) about loosing sight of your dream and who your are, in order to survive. Gives me a shot of strength to keep on finding a way to make a living off of Music / music related crapola.

But at the same time I like stupid cheezy lyrics that have little meaning, for a sense of fun. Take anything by like Cannibal Corpse, or Anal Cunt or other death metal bands. Funny shyt. Or Primus stuff. :tickled:

Via, SLAYER RULES! \m/ :yell: \m/