What was the best moment of your life so far?

UndoControl said:
Errrr, Teh Rolling Stones? No, no, wait... Adam Sandler? :D Nah, it sounds really great. Are you still with her?

And 2006.03.11 was really close to a very special day for me. :)

Never liked anyone that much. We broke up in late may though. Or rather, she dumped me.:waah: Sort of blew my summer, we had loads of things planned up to do together, and then everything just came crashing down without warning. She didn´t really act in a nice way the following weeks so this summer hasn´t been to good. Things are beggining to settle though :), guess it wasn´t built to last.

What is this special day you refer to?
thank you, I am feeling much better now. I now have the insight that perhaps not everything about her was perfect...

Why she dumped me reamins partly a mystery. She tells me she´s not sure herself (which might just be a plain lie). One reason is propalby that we met to much. Took me like 5mins with a bike to get to her, and perhaps we spent time togethermto much in the beggining. She also seems to be unable to stay with one guy at the same time, and while not cheating she was looking at other guys even though we were together. Sometimes I think that it also was becouse she found me a bit boring or whatever, although she´s insisting she didn´t.

Oh yea saw your reply in the 9/11th thread. Did you meet on this board? Where are you both from?
@makaan: uc is mexican and rincewind is croatian.

i'm still waiting for the best moment, and i am surprised that some of you qualify as best moments of your lives facts that happened in relationships that are now failed and defunct. for me, if a relationship fails then all moments associated with it automatically become tokens of illusion, and lose their charm. that's why i don't have a best moment in the sentimental sense. memories of other pleasant events are normally equally tarnished by subsequent disappointment (although i concur on the thing about receiving head, it is quite something, and normally there's no immediate disappointment following).

i have a series of very moving moments tho, that while not qualifying for the best evah were definitely blissful. first bad religion concert in milan, 1994; first full day spent in the USA, blasting rancid's 'indestructible' on my CD player and thinking 'OMGOMGOMG i made it OMGOMGOMG' (this was due to being overseas on a very good expense account rather than my holiday money, and being - although briefly - at the world bank).
hyena said:
for me, if a relationship fails then all moments associated with it automatically become tokens of illusion, and lose their charm
Hmm I dont think like that at all. I mean, it depends on the breakup I guess, if the other person turns out to be the biggest asshole you could have chanced upon, well it's kind of hard, but even though neither the story with my best friend some 3 years ago, nor my relation with Hitori turned out very satisfying, there are still nice moments I like to remember.
Even if a relation doesnt last a lifetime, I still believe that the moments we had were real, the feelings genuine, so why would it have been an illusion? The mistakes we made afterwards dont have anything to do with those moments imo.

UndoControl said:
That's cheating, in my opinion. And you're lucky not to be with her.
Well, teh Djermans have a saying that says it's ok to get an appetite elsewhere if you eat at home ;)
Of course that doesnt mean that you can devour girls with your eyes, like undress them in your mind, imagining wild things, but sometimes a girl does look hot and you cant but acknowledge that. I mean what do you propose, that I scratch my eyes out everytime I see an attractive girl? Im only human and I wouldnt cheat on my GF, ever, and we both know it so it's ok :)
Taliesin said:
Well, teh Djermans have a saying that says it's ok to get an appetite elsewhere if you eat at home
Of course, "just because you've ordered doesn't mean that you can't look at the rest of the menu" and so on. I've heard it many times as well. But no, just looking at someone like that (like they could be pretty/attractive) is cheating to me, you don't have to undress them in your mind. But i don't expect anyone else to agree with me, and i won't go on about how i'm so right. I'll just say that if i look at a girl my reaction is the same as if i look at a guy: "oh, look, a person". Sure, i can go "wow, nice haircut" or "i love that person's shirt", but that's not looking at the person, it's looking at what they're wearing. As for attraction, the only person who attracts me (both physically and mentally), and i mean this sincerely and honestly, is Ivana. You can show me a picture of the "hottest" girl or of a "very pretty" girl to you, but she won't be hot or pretty to me. I only look at one girl.
Do you ask that from your GF as well, or would you tolerate it if she were looking at other guys in a kind of interested way?
Honestly, I think it's kind of extreme, but that's your business and yours alone, but I do ask from my GF that she respects this kind of freedom and Id get seriously pissed off if she made a scene about it.
That's not supposed to be a free card for people who are always looking after every mildly attractive girl in a way you feel you have to chain the guy to protect the girl, but it wouldnt be relation Id like to be in if I wasnt free to look where I want, you know? I guess it's the balance of respect.. I look where I want and she knows Id never ever sleep with anyone but her, so we're all happy :p
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
@KC: If I may know, what happened?

Alot of people here know the story inside out, so to those people, don't read this post :D (Here I am assuming you read my posts anyway :p :lol: )

Basically, we were together a long time, and got distubingly close, spending pretty much every awake minute together. It's not like all that time together was spent in bliss, we had arguments like any decent couple and we got close to killing each other once or twice, but that was all part of the fun and making up again was always amazing. To try and make it short, one day she just stopped wanting to hang out. Was very odd. But I didn't make a big deal out of it. That was until one day when she cancelled some plans we'd made and didn't inform me. I told her it was disrespectful and selfish of her. Later that day I got a text message (I know! A fucking text! after 2 years and 6 months I thought I'd have deserved more) breaking up with me.

I honestly don't know where I went wrong... but I could accept that she drifted away from me and I wanted her to be happy ultimately.

What I couldn't accept is that it was because she drifted toward an old friend of mine. I say old friend, because he and I fell out rather severly 2 years previously because of his actions as my ex-girlfriend came between us (he "loved her" too and started saying he wanted to kill me. When I offered to break up with her to save our friendship, he said that I shouldn't and he'd learn to deal with it... But then days later he was once again trying to get her to break up with me by spreading lies and hate, so we told him to fuck off).

Anyway. She's still with him now. And they both live on my street. I haven't spoken to either of them since I broke up with her, accept to try and get my stuff back (6 t-shirts, 2 dvds and 4 cds) which I learnt she destroyed to show some kind of allegiance to him and to prove she was over me.

Not to sound like an emo, but here comes the terribly tragic emo part :p... the injustice of all this is in the fact that I did nothing wrong. I loved her, and would have done anything for her to be happy. Even let her go. Which I did without too much fuss. She knew what she meant to me, but I didn't know what I meant to her until all this. She never apologised. She never tried to make it easier for me.

:p that was the concise version :rolleyes:
buuu yea this thread is kind of depressing...my very best moment in life is gone too...and its in a relationship too :(
and most of the time i think and i dont know what happened .... we went out for a long time then officialy were couple...so it went so fuckin good to be true....we never had problems and we were always happy, sometimes we werent but just being with eachother used to make us happy and for a year and a half it was ok....one not so very special day, all ended and now we are friends only...but we cant be too close from eachother cuz it always ends bad .... after being the happy couple nop trouble etc...we fight all the time and stuff..

lol seems more than the worst day in life to me than best huh? sorry guys i needed to spit it out :p
ishkur: :( Sorry to hear. What happened, why did you break up?

So what, i win the prize for most depressing thread ever? :D

Taliesin said:
Do you ask that from your GF as well, or would you tolerate it if she were looking at other guys in a kind of interested way?
We both expect it from each-other. It would be sad if she weren't like that, but i guess i'd have to stick with it. And i'd still love her the same.
Tying up "teh best moment of my life" with a person/place/relationship/touch/kiss/when someone fingered you - big mistake. *I mean - we all die, and soon these good memories are nostalgy, and we are fucked.

Start crying... now.


KC: it's not emo, it's just another story (which are kazillion). And you know how that story ends :Smug:

Pampers, you aren't the one and best one in the world. No one is. May be me, but I'd have to kill marduk's dog, so I don't have to share awesomness with anyone else, but I'm against animal cruelty, so no - no one is teh bestest.
Ok, also not counting these last months as one big beautiful event, the first time Alex said to me that he loves me kinda stayed in my mind really fresh, it was in a really unexpected moment and really out of nothing and I'll never forget how much I shivered. :)
There were few others, but I choose not to say them here.

Other really great moments I lived through are few events with my best friends, events that I think will be the same in my mind in 20 years same as the day they happened.
To say two:
One was when I was on some fiesta with my best female friend and didn't feel too good all night. So what did she do? She dragged me in some little street that crossed the main, where the fiesta was and some band played, and she sat me down and started to dance on the music in the middle of that street.
Doesn't sound special, but the way I saw her then, so free in her dancing, without any worries or thoughts about anything, just moving on the rhythm is the way I will see her forever, even when she's old and with many worries, it really left me speechless and i remembered it many times from then.
Second one is actually more of them, evenings I spent drinking with my best male friend and talking about everything so openly, some things he said and did forever changed me, in the meaning I became more opened towards my friends and realized that they will always be here for me.
plintus said:
Pampers, you aren't the one and best one in the world. No one is. May be me, but I'd have to kill marduk's dog, so I don't have to share awesomness with anyone else, but I'm against animal cruelty, so no - no one is teh bestest.
You idiot, when did i ever say that i was the best at anything?
UndoControl said:
You idiot, when did i ever say that i was the best at anything?

Look up the fucking context, amigo:

UndoControl said:
We both expect it from each-other. It would be sad if she weren't like that, but i guess i'd have to stick with it. And i'd still love her the same.

You are not the best fucking thing in the world to expect such behavior from someone else. This is normal if you are fucking frigid. Or something.
plintus said:
This is normal if you are fucking frigid. Or something.

Not to sound too extreme, but I do agree with this. Hell, my gf asks me to look at other girls probably about as much as I look myself. (Ok, half the time it's the "Is she prettier than me?" trick, but I've got that down pat by now.) Hell, she probably looks at other girls more than me. (Stop now, plintus... it's for fashion. Mostly.) I know she looks at other guys, but between the fact that she's at MIT now (so by comparison, I'm hot shit) and the fact that I... I dunno... trust her, I don't mind. The only time I've ever taken exception to it is the constant "why don't you have arms like him?" to which I respond "I started lifting in June, gimme a break!". Hell, most of the time, looking at other people makes me appreciate what I have even more. I guess that's because I lucked out (not to sound excessively shallow) with her in the looks department. I can honestly say that I may look, but I have no desire to be with anyone else.